Apocalypse vs ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Drow your mom must be so proud of you. A 5mil atk can hit someone as small as me. Maybe you should yell up from the basement and see if she will make you some victory cookies.
  2. yawn... both of you, shut up, and target me. Give me some amusement for once, I'm tired of the ridiculous chest-beating.
  3. hmmm Cambji of Yafi was stripped 16T.
  4. Barcode, understood from where you are coming from. But if you owned a clan, and people used your tag to frighten or farm people. This would be dangerous for you clan, correct? Put yourself in Sparta elites shoes.
  5. Nice thread Weezus. I've been wondering what was happening.
  6. @ Weezus

    Yes, nice thread. Helped me out a lot.
  7. Nice thread i wonder how long it took you
  8. I don't care how this war came about. I am happy that it did. Always dreamt of seeing ZAFT vs Aplocaypse war.

    I think there always were tensions between the two family ever since Monster Garage defeated ZAFT clans on 7 occasions.

    Now where's my popcorn!
  9. Allies for sale 
  10. Sounds like SE been bullying people and even more suicidal attempts the idiots made was to farm ZAFT!!!! 

    Apocalypse been damn rude to ZAFT council.

    I'm not taking sides but before I was involved heavily with both ZAFT
  11. Until I sold all my 4 accounts last year...
  12. [​IMG]

    it's clear why you're on forums :roll:
  13. Fun fun! Good war to follow :cool:

    Good luck to both empires, and may the best one win!
  14. Nice OSW and nice fine print. 
  15. Excellent post truth at last
  16. Nice try philosopher lol Ty weezus for the update! Going to make some popcorn :p
  17. Pfffttt farming peeps coz they have SE tags - mind you SE is just a new clan IMO - nothing but bullies; kids play this game too and if they so happens to have SE tag they gonna get farmed until they spent some lunch money on nobs to change name? A bullying and cowardly act - nuff said 