Apocalypse vs ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. @Matt, this is just about the two baddest clans in Kaw bumping into each other. Now they have to fight. There can be only one.
  2. Actually, that's not why they got demodded. Learn what actually happened.
  3. what happened?
  4. @CrazyDrunkenPanda, freedom of speech is in the USA. Not everyone from Kaw is from there or believes in that. Bottom line, certain clans don't want you to post your opinion about them, especially if negative, and will farm without mercy if you do so beware and be warned.
  5. Freedom of speech doesn't exist at all. You can get arrested for saying things such as 'bomb' on an airplane. You can get arrested for voicing your opinion. So no one is free to say as they wish.
  6. For the most part freedom of speech is guaranteed in the USA with the Bill of Rights. Certain terroristic threats will get you thrown in jail but a general dissent against another's point of view, even the government, is allowable and protected.
  7. having an opinion and making yourself look like a threat to public safety are two different things. If you say it as just some news you read then ok but if you make it as if its your intention even jokingly they have to take it as serious even if it isn't because if it was serious it could cause a significant amount of damage.
  8. Free to say as you wish. But there are consequences. Like having an extreme view on certain political points.

    So if there are consequences, there isn't really freedom of speech. The consequences cancel out the freedom of speech.
  9. it saves lives and they dont monitor everything you say just censor the few words they would associate with terrorism so they know if someone is planning something.
  10. @ Politics discussing people - no freedom of speech on this thread. It's to discuss Apocalypse and ZAFT not splitting hairs of constitutional rights in the USA. Kindly create your own thread pertaining to that subject matter.

    Stay on topic or leave the thread. .

    thats my sword btw
    Fun war. Keep up the good work my Apocalypse brothers and sisters
    Remember kids:
    If it ain't a strip war, it ain't really a war
  12. Was reading the first few pages, and wanted to comment we stripped a certain enemy's bank 17T.

    But nothing to crow about because in both cases, both were banned 24 hours. Strip while enemy is still active, our own records was 12T.

    But I heard today there was a 21T strip. I was like wow! Hope that guy is still ok :eek:
  13. @appleseed, he's probably not ok
  14. Bahahahaha freedom of speech argument on a war thread
  15. To clarify.

    The 21 tril was spread on 3 players. One of them lost 12-13 in allies. One 5. One 4.
    But all within 24 hours 
  16. this is all fake. I'm sorry but Sparta elite lied about all of this. I'm hear now from the first thing. none of this happened in wc a guy asked me what do ur tags stand for I said steal elite but someone took it the wrong way and hit me. he said u lied an now all Sparta elite is going to farm me. then the owner lied to steal elites members and got it in there head that I said all stupid stuff, but I didn't. I got told from close friends what they been told like I said I owned the clan and I was the strongest, I herd all other stupid things as well. so I changed my name as this stupid war kept on going. after I was kicked steal elite farmed me. but I had no choice to return all hits with some friends.
  17. Take third grade English and try again.
  18. Ooooh! Strips in the Trills, how exciting! :)
    Things are finally starting to heat up! ;)

    Keep it up Apoc! :cool:

    How come zaft hasn't been posting any strips? :roll: Ehh, they would exaggerate the facts anyway :lol:
  19. Errr, not to seem like I have a biased opinion that is... :lol: