Apocalypse vs ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. How does what taste
  2. Oh your mother she tastes perfectly fine thanks for asking
  3. A bit hairy but I managed to work around that
  4. Stop saying villy out.. When you end up coming right back.
  5. Villy how does ZAFT's ass taste? Cause your mouth is glued to it bro.
  6. Why are the ss on page one ordered 3,4,1,2? This, combined with incomplete text, gives pause for doubt. Both families will be cleaned up, with players hiding behind a big name having to actually put up for once. I predict both families are actually made stronger at the core by this war.
    Now somebody pass the popcorn.
  7. No sorry it's just my signature at the end of my posts do ima say what I want and u can't stop me
  8. Villy, does the ignoring mean it doesn't taste so good? 
  9. Op should ask villy to leave this thread. He is off topic, and his posts take to long to scroll past to read the interesting posts.
  10. Oh sorry haven't even looked at this thread since last post I'm actually in several threads bugging several people as well as having 5 private conversations talking to my clan and participating in an eb did it occur that ur idiotic and not very insulting insult just didn't rate high enough on my care factor to force a reply out of me. No no it didn't I'm and stop me if I'm wrong I'm assuming that your puny brain thought that really bad insult left me speechless and without a witty reply. As u can clearly see it really didn't so pls think long and hard about your next insult and come back in a week to deliver it I assure u I will crush it with a counter just as fast and efficiently as I did with this one now. Doesn't all this just make u think y do u bother oh wait never mind u need at least 3 brain cells to achieve that thought level

  11. Lol can someone translate for me?

    All I got from that was their ass does not taste good .-.
  12. No villy. It will just end with me farming you everyday for a very long time. Make no mistake about that.
  13. Lil miss did u think that if he did that there would be any entertainment in this thread at all

    Plus it's not my fault that people started making counterpoints and bad insults if they didn't I wouldn't have need to reply now would I
  14. Go for it I really don't care about what u do and when I reset this afternoon to change my name I didn't do it because of farmers I am just a whimsical person and feel like changing my name today
  15. Villy - get off this thread. Your attempts at derailment aren't welcome here. Kindly step off or be reported.
  16. I delivered a statement in the beggining of this thread that was wholy relevant since then I've received insults and threats so go to hell of course I'm going to reply in kind to what has been said to me as would anyone I'm not in any way attempting to derail this thread everyone who is posting irrelevant info here is its not my fault 90% of its aimed at me and requires a reply so go ahead make your report it's just plain stupid anyway and oh all mods and anyone else

  17. Just a word. For anyone who just comes on every day or so for a few minutes, it means about 1-2 unloads a day. You get 21?(24?) anyways, it's not a lot. Lets count it at 50 hits total just for you. It'd take 2 days for 1 nob if kaw feels generous and gives you a 1% drop rate. It takes 40 days if you're unlucky, 80 unloads. Certainly not doable in a couple of days even if you played 24/7. It's a major commitment for anyone who doesn't buy nobs and nigh impossible to please for someone like me. You'd have to get rid of all chances of growing/warring. It's hardly appropriate for Spartans Elite to force this to be absolutely honest. I don't criticize them, I just point out that its another part of KaW that's unjust. ZAFT might consider that bullying, there might be unrest in ZAFT about it. There is another point of view about the matter. And all the tops are arrogant. They're top.
  18. Nob drop rate is actually 0.02% chance not a 1% chance get ur facts right