Apocalypse vs ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Never understood why people uninvolved in a war choose to flap their gums. Get involved or stfu!

    As far as statless alts go.... Nut up and post with mains or stfu! That goes for both sides...

    All I know is, it's a buttload more fun to hit real targets rather than ebs! I'm having a blast!

    I'll do the rest of my talking in people's news feeds 
  2. The writings on walls. Zaft is falling quickly, uk--ghost-- already pooped himself and cried saying he "sold his account new owner" ... Two zaft members already reset.. Zaft fanboys will talk in forums all day but they don't fill news very often. Just because they have a few big LB players doesn't mean they will win the war. Forget the fact that apocalypse is fighting for good reason... Focus on the fact that war is upon us and zafts laying in their own filth.

    To all zaft clans:
    The leadership will not be the ones truly hurt in this, for they use foolish scrubs as their minions and meat shields. It's common practice in selfish money grubbing clans who's leadership account share and spend 5k a month..
    Continue to be their peons if you wish. At least apocalypse leadership knows the names of their members, family, friends.
    It is still early and you all have a chance to leave now, even rise up against your filthy leadership, and save what you have remaining. If you fail to do so.... Good luck, for you will need all you can get :)

    - due to apocalypse family rules, this is posted with an alt. I speak from firsthand knowledge of this war
  3. still an alt though.. pretty much the same as some zaft is doing. so technically both side are using alt to convey their opinions in forum.. That damn rules is being implemented in both camps.

    New Age
  4. I have to lol a little every time someone writes a long and carefully thought-out post with an alt, and no one ends up caring...because its an alt.
  5. Good job, apoc. When you don't have a valid comeback, make a desperate attempt to deflect. Hope and pray no one notices the question you're trying to avoid answering.

    God forbid you be caught in a lie.
  6. I didn't notice it.
  7. Hey Cheese, change your name to Government Cheese . Look much better on you. I mean you sound just like a politician with your spinning of things. Even tho proof was shown , you chose to still overlook it. All you've done is gap your mouth the whole time. How bout you quit giving ZAFT quickies and take that dick out your ass.
  8. @Devil its ok. Cheese's last hope is zaft. Show's how much butthurt and agony he has :lol:

    Alison actually fought and rven admitted that she cant fight a whole clan. She got respect from kotfe and respects kotfe.

    Cheese on the other hand is a butthurt noob who cant swallow the truth that he got spanked. Give it up already lol And dont think your fiasco with apoc was any achievement. You are just one of the many butthurt noobs that both zaft and apoc have farmed.
  9. Suggestion:

    Please also read Laoda (Big Brother in Cantonese) post.

    It seems the SS are incomplete as the messages don't over lap.

    Kindly repost full message with post overlap at top and bottom. Ty.

    To keep an unbiased account it's always good to post full SS with overlapping top n bottom, so that individual readers make up their own minds. And their opinion are not swayed by your wanting to steer the convo.

    Just a note of caution.
    When UWF was fighting ZiG, UWF side loved to post messages like these as being shown on this thread. And guess the outcome of the war.

    If you are truly winning, post full SS with overlaps. It's always good to be sincere n honest n unbiased in your posts. Peeps tend to look kinder upon you.

    Quick Flash!
    Majesty has gone active as of yesterday.
    And Teja has been amassing allies.
    Lets see where the war goes in a few more days time.
  10. @ Cheese - your question was answered and if you can't keep on topic, get off the thread. There are no screenshots with cozza's name in them. We can't keep every single screenshot - there isn't enough memory on the devices we play. The names were kept in a notepad document and systematically crossed off as name changes occur.

    @ ZAFT alt above me - in due time that entire conversation will be released, at our discretion and as we see fit. And in terms of who said what and where, it's important to us to "Keep subordinates informed" it's a principle of leadership and a principle of war.

    As it presently stands, if you compare Laoda's post and bOrIng's post you will note glaringly obvious differences. Notably:

    1) who started the fight according to boring is the same as what I stated in the OP.
    2) that Laoda had no clue who was even fighting, from his side or ours
    3) that an apocalypse clan was in fact being teamed up against when TS entered the war, corp entering effectively made it 3 vs 2 (prior to which it was matched evenly and a cf was in place).

    I'm not here to tell lies, there was no attack planned prior to today. Contingencies have been drawn up in the event of war, but nothing was ever decided upon, not were timelines issued. Similar to any world super powers tactical plans exist in the event of war, we won't allow this to be twisted into us jumping them or forcing their hand.
  11. Aww


  12. I keep seeing people post that if you're not in the war we shouldn't say anything. Then why post this at all? Isn't posted in forum for people to have opinions?
    @ Weezus you said you will post full SS at your leisure, no offense but this sounds like when we have to photo shop these conversations to best suit our needs is when they will come out?
    The people of KaW are on ends to know what fully happened and see how this war plays out.

    Best of luck to both sides..
  13. Oh wow! They posted screenies on the first page! 
  14. interesting reading......

    any popcorn?
  15. I remember swing a threat to
    Make a zaft Sparta elite clan

    Here's a better name

    ZAFT Super Efficient Spartan Eradicators

    Makes perfect sense as that will be their main purpose in creation
  16. Villy, how does it taste?
  17. Also a perfectly simple solution would be for each side to get their 100 strongest members and put them into one clan then declare a unlocked rosters war on each other through the system.

    At the moment this has escalated to which side is the better war family so have a system war where there will be definitive proof as to the outcome thus fulfilling both sides obligation to the WAR GODS of KAW hey it's a simple solution to an enormous problem surely many people agree with me on this one

  18. Billy you didn't answer me