Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. No it is not?

    Every ZAFT clan wasn't an individual clan... With a different name..
  2. @Val zaft uk, zaft ul,zaft anarchy were all separate clans before joining zaft.
  3. I'm not going to argue with you, because thats pointless and neither of us will convince the other.

    I just pointed out that several of the ZAFT Clans were also. If I'm not mistaken; UL, UK, Anarchy and maybe echelon?

    Also CR, TS, KotFE, and a few of the others were "family" long before apocalypse was created.

    Thats last response from me Val.
  4. Take away those 3 ZAFT clans,

    Then take away monster garage, and I'm pretty sure it'd still be a fair fight.

    Although thing here is. There will be no winner.

    There will be no winner.
    Apocalypse won't CF just for the fact that they don't want to fail in their attempt to knock ZAFT off no.1 spot.

    And ZAFT won't CF, because if they do, then it's bye bye 3 years of work and building up their reputation.
  5. Whoop whoop! Support for apocalypse
  6. @miss-lovely

    Your lack of knowledge regarding ZAFT and our clans/structure is understandable. Your posting on the topic is not. Don't post what you don't know, it's quite simple really.
  7. Lol, I know for a FACT UK, UL and Anarchy were old clans before ZAFT absorbed them.
  8. Surrender is not the zaft way.
    Just like the japs in WWII they will fight until their is nothing left.
  9. Japanese.... Abbreviation is censored apparently
  10. I would post regarding the background to Anarchy as I know it, anyone who knows any history about Anarchy and ZAFT will know the answer.
  11. Something tells me the thread he is referring to was not the statless alt of a ZAFTie. That was definitely from within APOC. There was far too much detail for that to be from the outside. Nice try though 
  12. ^.
    Yep. It's understandable, Night's trying to boost clan morale.
    Nothing wrong with that ;)

    Reality does hurt I suppose.
  13. Some of Yall need to get facts straight Zaft is not failing what so ever. Now u wanna talk about failing look at all the build changes from apocalypse to name a few chongo and hatfield. Mg is weak they barely hitting more inc from kofte clans than mg. And if u read loadas wall some many cf are being asked daily. No where do I see a Zaft member requesting a Cf
  14. Support
    Read my wall!! Zaft asking for CF will b there, atleast 8 of them!!

    ༺W๏G  Á̸P☣Ć̸A̸Ł༒ཾPS̸Ξ༻
  15. Apoc enjoyed a nice 20T strip on a certain zaft member today
  16. @Malok, fight on fellow Kaw warrior. You don't need pots to smash someone. Just keep pressing that attack button.
  17. @Val

    TS/WoG/KotFE have been together how long?
  18. @Dumbazz,

    I do not know this as fact, but I think that ZAFT requires APOC members to post on a wall if they want a cf. APOC doesn't. In fact, in a previous thread, APOC said that all they had to do was leave ZAFT and they would not be chased. So it makes sense that there is a more visible "paper trail" of APOC members leaving.