Apoc-WDGAF Alliance: A Huge Mistake

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 27, 2015.

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  1. I actually have a lot of respect for Veritas too.. I just get sick and tired of people placing the blame on Harb.

    I actually am enjoying my current situation. Fury was the last to join ZAFT before this osw and there has never been a doubt about what we wanted to do as far as this war was concerned.
  2. DirtyLarry, trying to paint me as someone who hire-hits "just because" is flat out false and nothing more than defamation of character - which makes sense since we're in osw against each other. Not terribly difficult to see through your propaganda/motives.

    Ask the thousands of people who have shopped me over the years. Anyone claiming otherwise is either lying or acted in a way toward me that warranted a strong response in kind.

    If I am shown respect, it is returned.

    P.S. The blame is mostly on Harb. The rest goes to zaft council :)
  3. Oh yes.. The number 4 on the LB victim is here. Tell us more about how you are Saint IMF of KAW and how you are the LB of the people.
  4. @IMF, you used to throw people in ca for hiring multiple allies off you in quick succession. You always claimed it was an "act of war" even during peace time. This happened multiple times too... don't try to tell everyone you aren't a hire hitter. Some of us know how you work
  5. IMF is cool I got a wall post in farm fest cause I got thru once either way made my day so I do have to give him a thumbs up 
  6. KaWorld War...

    'Nuff said.
  7. Thought you retired? Or are you back cause yafi forgot about you?
  8.  DirtyLarry just when i thought Larry couldnt get anymore amazeing.He goes and blasts me outter the atmosphere with his in depth war intelligence. Larry dont need no fancy hat hes already top of the L.B to me
  9. Biscuit seems to be stripping Last Rights and selling their crap allies on the open market.. He is quite an aristocrat
  10. No n/a took care of yafi and I did retire for 48 hours then signed back on and farmed everyone who hit me 
  11. Jano, you sound upset. Guessing that's because I unfollowed you and didn't accept your friend request yesterday.

    Like i said, if you act in a way that warrants a strip/farming i'll make it happen. That could be for a number of reasons, a) you hired when casted going into EE and I lose gold because of it b) you take an op clannie already out of respectable range, hire it, then when I hire back, you keep hiring...then yes i'm assuming you are starting a war or milking profit. That kind of behavior within a day isn't normal behavior c) you hire-hit or farm my clannie or someone in Apoc and alliances. It's not my fault people are dumb and walk into the mud without their boots on.

    Again, my banner has welcomed ally hires for years now. If you wanna turn a blind eye to that so be it. We all know the truth :)
  12. Omg what a load of crap :lol:
  13. I believe you signed back on. As for farming everyone that hit you... Still waiting for those hits.
  14. Dirtylarry, you should run to the nearest restroom with your "load of crap" instead of posting in forums. You're stinkin' up the place, lol
  15. I got a new phone and am adjusting to the screen size. I came back from a break and was checking up on things, sorry if I followed you and another dozen random people. But you are right, I'm so upset that I'm crying in my bed as I type this.

    Your hire-hitting excuse is also invalid. Only one time I can remember was the ally actually a clannie, and explain the times where it was succession of different allies? You didn't like having trillions out so you would rehire and throw the person in ca? Ok buddy
  16. Actually I'm taking big dump right now. Your posts must have really jarred something lose there tiger

  17. Jano, nope...way off on that one. I don't act unless provoked. If you've got proof then share. I'll stand down and give you credit.

    You asked I name someone and that's simple. freedom warrior in toxic zaft waters at the time did this in less than a half hour with abigail and beach bum who are both clannies. He bid them up from ~2.5T already op to beyond 4T as payback.

    What did I do to deserve that you may wonder? I hired only one of his allies when he was not in EE or OSW.

    Now to his credit, Freedom and I are on friendly terms, chat once in a while and we have no further issues. Been buying off each other freely for a while now without unecessary volleying. And I don't require him to ask before hiring either.
  18. You still brought up the clan member occasion...
    However, you are right in the fact that I don't personally have proof (I don't ss everything I see). I'm sure someone in warlor has proof though, just wouldn't admit it because you would give them the little kick. You are pretty good at kicking people though(trust me I know) as long as it is in the best interest of you, not the clan.
  19. Oh no the struggle is real. It's such a tough life being on the LB and managing your account on your own eh?
  20. I laugh at how much you feared zaft and Yafi, just look at them now 
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