so ppl are thinking cause you buy allies you are funding strips?? i dont feel thats always true but i guess it pays to see what allies you buy.And on another note to keep on topic who cares if apoc/wdgaf merge.there are checks and balace to kaw believe it or not i could careless if it was true another alliance would be born to counter it.Its a war game and will remain that way too many old school around to allow that to change and KOTFE is one and WDGAF is aswell.If you dont like it then be the one to create another alliance.Support to both clans.
Good points, and I agree. The WDGApoc alliance is toxic for the game. There's no competition, and it drives players away, however I do want to see all of Apoc in osw against all of WDGAF
I think from past experence there alot of respect there good or bad and you can believe both clans track each other and that keeps a healthy respect weither they ever merge or not remains to be seen,As far as a threat to the game,not gona happen
Correct me if I am wrong but isnt Eclipse a former zaft clan ? Now they are gonna farm with WDGaF what remains of zaft ?
There are a lot more than one good one in Kotfe. And seriously - I see more and more one ally/no ally spies thinking they are badass. You aren't. It's the I've had my ass kicked and am now afraid build. And before you get all "but but kotfe has spies everywhere!" - yes we do - one must counter what the noobs are doing to remain effective - but they are usually our alts not our mains.
I remember what killed Gang at War. Super alliances loses balls to fight each other. They choose to ally and protect LB. The game start to die down due to less and less player willing to fight. Small clans or family on that game when get hit by super alliances just goes inactive. Those active refused to spend real money to a losing war. Super alliances don't really need to spend much real money due to have the upper hand. Bottom line ATA losing money and they have to cut back until they can't update the game. Many think that will not happen on this game. The changes of the game will not change over night but slowly die down. First there will be less and less new player. No new player no increase of revenue for ATA. That being said we will just see in the future how this will play out but I'm certain many will get run over
I just want to know why every one wants to be canon fodder for the leader board that's all super alliances are and wdgaf has already proven they will leave you hanging when things get tuff just ask any zaft member
Think it was posted a few pages back that this alliance wasn't happening. As regards ally hires, I'd love to swap a load of zaft ones I got lol
I'm a reckless mistake. I'm a cold night's intake. I'm a one night too long. I'm a come on too strong.
WDGAF explicitly stated it would not support a war started over hire hitting. I don't really see any old zaft members stepping up and condemning us for it, do you? Go ahead and call red,cella, and company out too for leaving a war they didn't believe in. It's the same thing.
The war was not started over hire hitting. Red, Cella and company made a side deal because they didn't want to get stripped like Harb. This war happened because Apoc was upset about getting kicked around by ZAFT for years and finally had a plan. If you really believe IMF was bullied and hire hit as number 4 on the LB, then you are a fool.. Red, Cella, and Silph were some of the biggest hire hitters, so don't paint them on some high horse that left because of some altruistic belief against hire hitting.... Final point... ZAFT LB, all of which left, were known as the biggest hire hitters.. So they obviously didn't leave because we violated some moral code... And you aligned with them in the first place knowing about hire hits.. So what you're saying are some nonsense excuses, just tell the truth you wanted to pick the winner as a matter of self-preservation.
I now count 5 forum posting alts under one idiot: DirtyLarry. Must say the Phil alt surprises me though
Harb was bigger than IMF on the allies LB though, right? That is the only LB that matters as far as strength goes.
Nope.. Correct if me if I'm wrong but I believe Harb was 12th and IMF was 4th.. I believe that's a significant gap.. I believe it's a couple hundred trillion gap but I could be wrong