Apoc-WDGAF Alliance: A Huge Mistake

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 27, 2015.

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  1. AG, I'm sure most people purposely funding in OSW knows the risks. Everyone just thought your "give me attention please" thread was hilarious.

  2. Ohhh Burn lol
  3. Damn philo, never expected such a rant from you

    I don't hate nor like this new "super alliance". Eventually all kingdoms will fall, this one will too. Just a matter of time
  4. Update:

    proof has been posted in the top page. Warlor has listed WDGAF as an alliance member.

    They were in several WDGAF clans opening EBS for them.

    Ive also seen all the nasty pms belle has sent Larry on various formats. Pretty obvious shes trying to pick a fight.
  5. It's crazy to see ZAFT almost obliterated after being the head honcho for 5 years since the start of the game. If you also recall in the beginning during sw-Whack First Than Talk (WFTT) for the simple minded ones-declared war on all of KAW. Formed from ZAFT and IG combining forces. Challenging clans from A-Z to either surrender or start OSW. ZAFT & IG made ZIG. They dismantled New Age Legends and Deadly Fate. IG actually dismantled plenty of other clans including my own lol. Would APOC eventually turn into bullies and smack around EB clans? That's a good point you brought up Philo. I enjoy your threads.

  6. Belle is trying to pick the fight but wants someone else to fight it for her
  8. Last time I checked, Fury is already wrecked courtesy of Apoc and don't see much left to wreck there. Perhaps someone can explain why Belle would need help with a clan already getting stomped in OSW ?

    And Philo - I'm sure you saw in those SS that Dirtylarry has his own version of the truth, completely separate from reality.
  9. Your imagination must be located in your forehead because it's huge. Your reading comprehension certainly isn't there. How is Fury stomped? Still on the leaderboard after months of osw is not exactly stomped... Last Rights on the other hand... Well let's just say people keep pm'ing me surprised that you guys are still active.. And yes you and Belle do need help. You two are the only fellas on Kaw that will CA someone then claim they don't need help with such a loser. If I'm so weak then why are you hiding behind Belle and then she quickly ducked behind her inactive clam's CA.. Smh
  10. Probably still on LB because you keep banned, naked accounts there.
  11. Looks like a good place to drop a ad 

    last rights noobs ally saleslet them cry on forumsit's stripper time
  12. Yes because Naked accounts are what keeps you on LB.. Shall we discuss banned and inactive HoG accounts.. Or will I be banned because it's ok to discuss ours but not yours...
  13. I bought an ally off of mrbiscuit. Please strip me as soon as possible LR. Thank you.
  14. Except MrB is buying his "stripped" allies off people in iG.
  15. Crapplegirl, I like how it took me two days to turn you into a pure spy
  16. Dayum thats well done

    I got a attack build turn into ps in a week. Is that also a good score or could i have done better?
  17. Clans even CA accounts like mine. No one 1 on 1's. Bunch of sissies. They all ask for help.

    Except the one KOTFE guy. He was a good one.
  18. 1v1 me irl
  19. In regards to this, you said it yourself, it's a game. If you hold resentment to someone over a game then that's silly, an they need to grow up.

    Back a few months ago when I was still EEing, warring with a small few of zaft/fury in indies never bothered us. We warred, had some fun, congratulated each other, and went about our business in the big war.
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