Apoc, Warlor, hellhounts, chaotic, clan A. Banks

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Leodegrance_de_Cameliard, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. While not exactly cracking the atom with the 1st bank reveal, I'll continue to check this thread daily and wonder if any diamonds are revealed.
    Remember no-one ever gives up the best stuff on day 1 of a 20 day giveaway. . . .
  2. One a day ok but I never knew apoc members don't check forums I'm shocked
  3. We don't.
  4. I'm the biggest bank in history……… ;)

    stop checking my allies, the big money ones are invisible :D

    Damn kali you figured once a person pisses off one family, gets ripped off LB, they wouldn't go mouthing off about apoc members. Just when i thought sticking your nose where it didn't belong was the dumbest thing you could do……… Until you post again.
  5. I'm a bank too 
  6. One a day? Spare us all the cryptic suspense and just post them all. What are you trying to be like the Riddler or something
  7. I'm a bank too. I wanna be USAA
  8. Second bank account IvIi_lI_lL_IK_IB_4l_IR
  9. He's probably just naming off the 20 ppl who hold all his allies
  10. OP you are ridiculous. You have now posted 2 accounts that are actually fighting in the war. If it was a bank it wouldn't be IN the war, that defeats the purpose. Learn what a bank really is.
  11. Correction to the above statement: Banks can be accounts that are currently in a war. War does not exclude any acct from being a bank.
  12. Obviously, but there's a difference between a front and a hidden bank. This guy thinks he's something for revealing front banks which is entirely stupid. If ZAFT didn't notice either of these 2 individuals by now then they have much worse problems than this.
  13. True, but OP never claimed hidden banks. You guys merely assumed he meant hidden. A bank is a bank whether a FL bank or a hidden bank.
  14. Still funny though don't get me wrong
  15. Im a bank  can i do a 10b strip now?
  16. Not a bank but i did run max bars on your strip ya nub 
  17. :lol:
  18. Touche good sir. Either way... this is just merely his way of explaining how his feelings have been hurt. I'm sure we can agree on that. 