Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. why is BigBobsr posting here. he was zaft the first two times these alliances fought. he ran from those wars both times. now suddenly he is some kind of internet tough guy?
  2. On pages 170 and 171 you have 3 posts regarding Bronze and how upset you are over it. You are claiming that ZAFT made a mistake or lacks common sense because they made your EB subclan bank their gold. Sorry if your clan full of EB accounts got hit, it happened months ago, get over it. You think ZAFT was looking for an easy CF from them? Who gives a crap about CFs. ZAFT wasn't going to let a bunch of your alts sit with gold out you fool.

    Oh no... Bronze was brought into the war by a ZAFT "mistake"

    Bronze is such a game changer, watch out bro. All your eb accounts and alts are going to do some serious damage
  3. This is the type of guy that's fun to osw.
  4. I love how useless alts post pretending like they know what they're talking about. 
  5. Pretending little Bob? The only one pretending here is you. You pretending that you are some kind of kaw'er and not some little whiny war runner
  6. Does that mean ZAFT takes in whiney little war runners? After all you did say he ran from both of the last wars.
  7. At least I post with my main...  I'm not a "kaw'er" either nor a war runner. I just flat out don't care anymore. I just left... Had RL issues to deal with (quit for several months). I was sick of the BS, politics, warring my friends, and lack of critical thinking by a certain few admins. Fight a war on their behalf?! Thanks, but no.
    You seem to know a bit about me, Nickel? Where are you hiding? Between my arsecheeks? 
  8. Are they still fighting?
  9. This is soooooo boring...let's start with the incoming part. Yes Zaft has actually started to hit back. Some of them. However, that's all they can really do. I'm mean let's be honest. Right now as we speak they are pot burning cloud and are going to "attempt" a strip. Will they pull it off? The answer is no. Plain and simple unless he's inactive for at least 12 hours they don't have the man power to do any real damage. Let's face the facts. This can only get worse for Zaft. Inactivity and lack of man power=fail. All my respects go out to Zaft for the long fight but eventually it will just be butt hurt harb still trying to buy accounts and fail strips on apoc,clanA and silver. In the end. This is now a boring osw and there is already an undeclared winner.
  10. Lol it's so obvious who is this nickel guy and why he's posting with alt..yet u have no clue and use the 'statless alt' as ur best and only defense, too funny if I didn't read ur posts, id be still crying over all nutty's fails and hurtful remarks about me crying

    Bs, bad admins, war on their behalf blah blah blah.. If u disagree with admins, think about ur clan mates - leave after the war is over. I bet u didn't have any disagreements while ebing ur ass off in peaceful times? Pathetic excuses..How long before u get sick of ur apoc admins, politics and warring friends? Wait, u have no friends on this side cos u left them behind in previous war lol
  11. U meant to say 'Zaft finally started to pay attention to eb nub clan silver'..so many targets, so little time (still). Go tell the ones in apoc (or even silver) who lost trillions about the lack of manpower in Zaft lol or simply do the math. If u have to come to forums and try to explain to public why u think u are winning, there's gotta be something wrong with ur view on that whole 'winning' thing
  12. Ok rs. How long did it take Zaft to strip dogs? He wasnt even cleaned out when he eventually logged on. Not to mention his size. He's tiny compared to most in silver. You an I talk often in pm. And I know you are proud and love your clan. But being in a target rich environment doesn't mean anything if you can't successfully hit your target. I have respect for all of former umbrella and current members. But this osw reminds me of the last one when all of TUC had was pride to go on with. And the other truth is my alliance is in a position to say what loada said last osw. "Zaft says they can osw forever. I say show me".
  13. We are winning lol. The debate has been over a long time already. From here on out it's just a matter of watching what's left of zaft stagnate/stumble backward.

    One side functions in reality. The other unable to escape delusions of grandeur.
  14. Ooo look it's the guy in those ss from that interesting linkWanna tell us more about that imf?
  15. Well until I'm giving some actual relevent, non-slandering, and true facts about the way this osw is going other than what I have posted, I believe I speak for most participating still in this osw. And the way I bring forth my opinion is how most should. Its called class
  16. Russian could you be more desperate lol. Nothing more than a troll dodging reality...
  17. oooh tell us more why the butt hurt person who created those stories isnt able to log onto his kaw accounts in Zaft anymore RS lol
  18. Let's see the math shall we.

    Total amount of gold lost
    Apoc + Alliances < Zaft

    Total members who got harbed ( 10 extra points for harb getting harbed )

    Apoc + Alliances < Zaft

    Total amount of members lost since start of osw

    Apoc + Alliances < Zaft

    Advantage Zaft again :/ Damn it. It doesn't look good for Apoc + Alliances. Maybe we'll win in the cry baby department. Let's see the numbers shall we.

    Total number of cry babies

    Apoc + Alliances 0 < Zaft 1 ( RUSSIAN SPY ) :)

    There u have it folks. If u calculate the numbers using Russian Spy's Theory of UN-Relativity, then Zaft is winning this osw by a landslide lol

    Why u cry Russian Spy? Why u cry? :)
  19.  what did you win? What's the big prize? After three years of zaft lb owning you in this game will this victory fill the hole in your life you been craving and making up for with oracle purchases?
  20. 