Vultron ??? Where are the bad asses from zaft??????? Half the dam clan left when apoc put their foot in yalls asses... Lots of ppl " just rocking the team logo just like u guys leaving your smalls out to dry look at your dam clans chump
Punch I don't get how you can sit here and act like I haven't dropped over 100 xtals on awakening in the past 2 weeks. Usually real respects real as I respect will, Tuff and vix who continuously challenge me to an xtal war lol but obviously you don't read cc or visit my nf because you're big enough for me to pay attention to.
Remember how cool it was when Voltron connected into a giant ass kicking machine? This is how I picture Vultron durring that process :/ Vultron: "Ready to form Vultron! Activate Inter-Locks! Dyna-Therms connected! Infra-Cells up! Mega-Thrusters are go! Let's go Vultron force!..... Form Feet and legs; Form arm and torsos; And I'll form the ASS!!! Because that's where I talk out of! My ASS!!! Hahahaha
Nutty I have 3 times the amount of failed steals than you have battle losses and you're a Hansel... get relevant.
[quote "G-I-J-O-E-"]Vultron you gotta admit that was funny lol[/quote] lol joe i would but im just barely over 20 If I hadn't have heard the poke before I wouldn't have got the reference. My previous name began with Vul and one drunk night I threw a tron on the end for my admiration of the machines... but I believe you're referring to Voltron not vultron.
Umm careful there! Nutty may have more failed scouts than all of our battle sts combined, cos that's all he's good at
Awwwwwwww... I'm glad u liked my Boy Scout cookies. Serving them one batch at a time. Next batch is in an hour. Hot out the oven and it has your address written all over it lol. Now go cry me a river russian.
Cry?I like cookies. And ur fail scouts can't bother anyone - ur fb kills maybe qb of my spies? Lol or should I cry over all the fail attacks u just sent me? U seem upset, I'm laughing irl
When someone on the net has to point out that they are laughing in real life. It actually means they are red in the face constipated mad about something. Go ahead russian. Squeeze out whatever it is that's bothering u. Lol Oh by the way. I'm pretty sure you're crying.
With all the crying you do, now I know why u FLOOD threads with nonsense. Why u cry Russian Spy? Why u cry? Lol