Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. i actually think im in the c.a of force guild reborn go ask them
  2. In closing, roni your a brain dead ******* idiot
  3. and you show a high level of intelligence dont you drdeath69 with that weirdo screenname . Dr death69 showing butthurt hes one that i also hit with my main not so long ago . hes still traumatised obviously haha
  4. You say True Spartan Warriors but i didn't had a single hit from you, but it's ok Roni. Your stats allow you to crap talk only, cant believe Fury allows you to post on forums. They could atleast send someone with more then 1 brain cell.
  5. dont bother lieing ive hit true spartans and true spartan warriors on both my accounts . king leonarda even sayd im clan farm for hitting his members. juggunaut you was on another screenname at the time . you changed it . i have screenshot even of leo saying that too me . you embarress yourself too weak to admit the truth because you want to impress the crowd . ill get someone to paste that screenshot also to show that you are lieing. you was on your royal warden tagged old screenname then you changed screenname
  6. Roni your spelling makes me sick. Because I can tell you truly do not know how to. I hope English is your third language.
  7. So yeah RW merged with TS, so what? I was already in TS for a long time by then. But im not gonna argue with you, i don't even know what you are trying to say. 
  8. Remember roni , I'm stopping to your level, so go take a bex n have a lil nap you ******* brain dead tool
  9. wow so mature drdeath69 shows how superior he is with his classy stature above us all by his rapid descent with the barrage of swearing . showing who really is the tool . and also drdeath69 if you not from uk dont use the word tool because thats a u.k slang term coming from london . so yet again you show your scoop of the dictionary by useing a slang word instead of a real vocablury word. haha and you call me braindead . look in the mirror and work on yourself first.

  10. Tool is a slang term period in multiple places not just the UK.
  11. no it is not its called cockeney slang which is from 3 miles surrounding bow bells in London.its rhyming slang.you are a imatator cant even use your own style of speech .
  12. co.ckney slang is only uk words
  13. So what you are saying is that only those people use tool as a slang term? You are very mistaken.
  14. tool = fool if spoken as a insult . it origionated from co.ckney slang of London. other than that it means a implement eg a garden rake or a saw . if your useing the word tool to mean fool and you not from uk your just a pirator immitator . its like uk people using usa words .it loses its effect to be a insult. it makes you appear to be a wannabe .
  15. Well tool is slang in the US so you're still wrong saying it only applies to one group of people but you know parochial thinking gets you far in life.
  16. In the u.s. the word tool isnt always used as another way to call someone a fool.

    It often is used as a way to call someone a "*male reproductive organ* head".

    Thats just one of many possible contexts.
  17. Tool can also be used in context to call someone a Dbag or a prick. Depends on the area your in aswell
  18. It's still slang pertaining to places outside the UK.
  19. the termology was created in bow london hense called co.ckney rhyming slang . you can re phrase it all to your hearts content but the bottomline and facts are using the word tool to mean fool / idiot you trying to seem cool by using a lingo you dont relate too . not too shabby is another uk slang saying . but others havr copyed that phrase also thinking it makes them seem " cool" . anyway back to the theme of the thread WAR !!! i just gotter say dispite all this hate that im generating in this osw .The put me downs about my stats the noob insults etc etc etc ronis useless !!! its not stopping me getting hired .! i have a new owner since last night and its another apoc member lol and you say im over priced for my stats yet i was re hired .so really im loving this war im getting to mingle with all sections of kaw . so thankyou all your hate is accelerating me up to places a normal / average player wouldnt go so you are pushing me once again to the top haha . this is roni noob signing out till next time
  20. Exactly