I was going to proof read this for you but I have come to the conclusion that English is your second language. I admire your ability to speak multiple languages. Also thank you for acknowledging that I am a war hansel. Not a hansel, not a ps1, not an eb hansel like dirtyrat, but a war hansel. Let's tackle this whole inactive account stuff. You guys are stripping inactive accounts also. Gorilla to name one, but there are others. I have no problem with that. There is a current strip happening that the account could be inactive, but you never know when that account could come alive again. Typical Silver move, most of them went inactive just waiting until the osw is over. You should really drop the whole "stripping inactives" thing. Both sides do it and both sides have reasons for it. Check with your leaders and ask them why they are doing it and maybe you will better understand what is going here.
and i agree larry. both sides strip inactives. but(and im saying this n my most sarcastic voice i can possibly use) our side sucessfully strips "Active" accounts also. so back to this osw thing. when was the last time you successfully stripped an "active" account? just quit while your ahead brother. i know this dogsofwar01 strip makes you happy. but lets be honest here. you suck at osw. lol
i hate to toot my own horn but that last statement i made was funny. and also true. to be such a badass at osw and to not be impressing an osw noob like me says alot. hahahahahaha! anyway. i typically dont speak on forums but that had to be said lol. seriously, im out. no need to say anymore here.
Zaft should know when they are defeated, it reminds me of the Iraq war when the Iraq information minister was telling reporters they were beating America with bombs going off in the background. The only reason most are still fighting is clan pride not because they like or feel sorry for harb, I bet if most could turn back time they would have let harb leave after his strip to avoid the war, I hope harb stands on Lego and zaft turns to dust Go team apoc
That, my friend, was beautiful.... But... What if I told you I like this war and I'm having fun. I don't want it to end because then I would have to pick a fight with someone else
Larry you quote me, but then go and speak about what you want too. Ex. Stripping inactive accounts. IDGAF inactive, active you zafties will all be naked inactive or active mp.... Quote that....I do not and will not proof read what I type, again its a forum not much better than a quick text. SOOO if it makes u happy correct way. Either way I see u understand me...you big assbad war hansel you....(insert laughing emoji)
So has zaft posted a strip list yet? Would like to compare both sides and see whos outstripping who,As always good luck to both sides.
Coming from me this is rare. Kotfe plz stay off this thread. Going in circles was funny for a while but these forum warriors aren't worth our breath. If you feel like u wanna post. Just farm these idiots. NigHtmare .....out
So do the simplest of things. It's not your fault though. What is it with all you Fury guys thinking you're insulting anyone by calling them women? Do you think women are inferior, or don't play this game as well as the men? I'm surprised the actual women in your clan can stand to be around such sexism.
Zaft is infamous for objectifying women...it's disgusting!!! That's the main reason they're losing this war and not asking for a cease fire.. Because they wanna keep objectifying women without consequence. GO EAT DIRT ZAFTIES!!