Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. You guys honor us with your name changes. I'm waiting for a DirtyMary account to pop up in Apoc
  2. You have no idea how wrong you are 
  3. no im not zreg i deffinantly got it right
  4. I will vorrey ewe

  5. Are you even active? Lol
  6. Yea, ask your mother
  7. Congrats on the middle school comeback. I applaud your wit.
  8. Well wtf am I suppose to say to someone who is about the size of my forum alt, calling me inactive?
  9. Is zaft still winning?
  10. LoL
  11. Yep. Just like Charlie Sheen was "winning".
  12. Yup, he young n move Dat dope
  13. Lol
  14. What happened to Silver?
  15. Umm, horrible analogy.

    Charlie sheen is one of the coolest, richest ppl. He partied so much he got fired and in turn made 100 million dollars. Make 100 million dollarsto tell your boss to shove it and to party and make love all day. I'd say that's WINNING.
  16. Charlie sheen has tiger blood
  17. They don't make "dogsofwar" like they used to 