You know blabbing means reveal secrets right? So basically you've just confirmed our accounts of things are true ? Cool, thanks pal, good to see there's some honour and decency left
If you need it explained then there is no point. Lol I guess u will just have to become a leader of a large alliance in a large osw and then when u are in a room with leaders from both sides maybe u will see!
I'm newer to zaft so idk what the hell past history is all I kno is what is now and that's all I need to kno and I'm in war and your my target so I'm not the one that can reveal anything so good try bro
You could have a conditional cf? Mutual means both parties wanted the cf, regardless who actually approached the subject first Conditional cf is one side granting a cf to the other under certain conditions Pretty sure there's a difference
It does matter who approached the other party first. They clearly wanted the CF more than the other side or they would not have swallowed their pride and approached. The other side was likely extremely bored. If you have any experience in osw, you'll know that even on the dominant side of an osw your members become bored as the months drag on. You'll agree to the CF if you rather focus your attention elsewhere (i.e. growing your clan, alliance, etc.).
I never said YOU were revealing anything I said the meaning of ...... Oh never mind. Little tip, read what you're actually replying to prior to posting, it helps that's all I'm saying!! Anyway it's good that you're new, means you're potentially safe from the crap that comes from the fury motor mouth brigade. There's a lot of good people in Zaft and it's unfortunate they get labelled cos of one small section. Welcome to the party - fight hard and enjoy
I'm sorry and who are you? Nobody that's right. Like a scrawny kid working at GNC telling body builders what supplements they need to buy. #GetLit
If you have any experience in osw you'd know how much that isn't necessarily the case. You any idea how many friends on opposite sides talk during osw? Does that mean one side swallowed their pride first ? Get real lol. I have current and past Zaft members in my pm telling me they're bored or didn't want to osw, should that mean Zaft quits? And I'm pretty sure it happens on both sides in most osw. Seriously don't be that person, of course it doesn't. Jeez you sound like Roni in disguise
Most times its a mediator bringing both sides to the table. And both our cases were mutual. No terms were given. Nobody asked for a cf. quit acting like ur trying to decipher the differences. Ur a Zaft bum in disguise lol What I can tell u for sure 100% this war. Zaft has been crippled like little Timmy. Hundreds of personal cf. several entire clans have gotten cf. several clans are just dead ( Zaft corp ) and our strip list is accurate. And it trumps Zaft by a whopping 50:1 ratio. Yes we outnumber them 4:1 but they were gettn spanked before their numbers dropped. And there will be no 3rd mutual cf. Zaft prolly can't even ask for cf now after all the trash they let their members talk lol Which is fine. We are dug in as much as we need to battle the tiny remaining Zaft few. Harb says his homies are gonna strip our big guys soon. Yea. We all had a good laugh
A mediator? Did Zaft and Apocalypse retain attorneys to assist them with the negotiations while mediating the matter? I highly doubt a neutral party approached you both exclaiming "stop fighting now" with you both galloping off the battlefield without any terms set into place to prevent whatever started the squabble in the first place.
Yes we did it's all confidential documents. It's sad really zaft being spanked so hard this osw they've got there alts out trying to sound all smart arguing who asked what first in past Osws lol.analyse it as much as you want It was mutual get over it.
If u want to be asking hard questions with hard truths. Ask harb some simple math. Maybe start with what 300-300= Or maybe ask him how many hire hits it takes on apoc to make us destroy Zaft once and for all. Or see if he and his homies Are Gonna do something or just lay there and take it lol And then add up all the statless and stupid alts Zaft uses to talk in forums cuz they are scared of a tap tap game lol Instead of trying to pretend like u have seen the inside of a alliance leader room
Are the forums public? Please correct me if I am not understanding your argument; however, from my point of view, it appears as though you are trying to say anyone who expresses an opinion that you do not agree with must be a Zaft alt. If anyone is reading this from a clan who is not Apocalypse or Zaft, please refrain from expressing your thoughts if you disagree with an Apocalypse member. You MUST be a Zaft alt or, in the alternative, you must be "butthurt" or "irrelevant". In any event, I'll conclude this discussion as it appears as though we are talking in circles and you folks are grasping onto the term "mutual" as firmly as possible (when it still does not make any sense as there is always a dominant side in an osw).
Little girl, we know you're a zaft alt because only a zaft alt or a complete idiot would see things the way you do. Keep holding on to technicalities from the last MUTUAL CF wars. That's all zaft has left, and there won't be one this time.
You most likely are zaft alt that's the funny thing you wouldn't be arguing about it so much if you weren't lil chihuahua. That's why that ramble statement you made is nonsense. It's not that you disagree with Apoc Idc if you do your opinion means nothing to me about it just how strongly you're siding with zaft. not rocket science. Cos no one supports zaft unless it's there alt as proven on here and if they do well to each there own
Lilmiss is ronis alt......she has to be....dont know anyone else who would keep going on and on about nothing. Dont matter who went to who in a MUTUAL cf, there were no terms other then to not hit each other. No side was winning so it had to end some how. Those last 2 osw were the most fun ive had in this game and was suprised at how easily zaft folded in this one. Keep up the good fight to those who didnt get banned for cheating or go inactive from a beating the likes of kaw has never seen before.
Deep Blue would like to know if he able to join kofte. He's a machine, he's eager to join and his prowess at chess might be what u guys need to make zaft cf.