Hate to be that guy, but if the members in Apoc are sheep, what does that make the blind followers in ZAFT? :shock: Speaking of complacent, you mean kinda like all of ZAFT was while you guys were already in an osw and Apoc executed the largest strip in KaW history against you? Complacent like that?
Lmao...if you all weren't dreaming of when you stripped me everyday then maybe you all can make some better decisions in the present. But I want you all to continue reminiscing, it makes it easier for us. Remind me of a clan back in the day called remembrance. You remember when you stripped Harb? Lmao
This tool became quite the troll. Your idiocy showed itself the day you followed warlor into this. Don't know what guys like Mino and Anubis sees in this idiot.
Remember how many hours it took for 300t? Remember how many days it took for 300t? Remember how many months it took for 300t? Remember how many years it took for 300t? Remember how many seals it took for 300t? Remember how many xtls it took for 300t? Remember how many dollars it took for 300t? Bet you do. Remember how many minutes it took to clear it? Bet you dont. And I bet neither does the clannies you stand beside that are "complacent" that their leader is at mp along with 85% of their entire alliance. Bet you we do. Vixen said it the best months ago. I guess you got yours first.
Hahaha notice how many cheerleaders came out? I think the thought of them stripping u gets them all wet.. Next kotfe clan should be called 'kotfe remembrance' In honor of ur strip lol
I remember when Mary had too many wine coolers one night and made another osw thread that had to be grave yarded by one of his mods. I'm starting to see the same wine cooler muscles coming out today. I can't wait to see how stupid you get later. Where is Weezus? He is usually about a 1/5th of scotch deep by now
Yes lol all the fairies came out. I do think it gets them all wet . Never realized I was so impactful in their lives lol.
Bahahahaha.. Fairies :lol: That was a good one. Here's a better one; Look at what those fairies have done to your alliance. :?
"Look at all these Apocalypse idiots that are proud of the SINGLE LARGEST STRIP IN KAW HISTORY!" What idiots!! Man, guys, remember when we pulled the largest strip in KaW history on the leader of the "greatest" alliance in KaW? WHILE they were pounding one clan in osw with 10 of theirs? You have the audacity to bring up complacency?? You all are such fools. Keep whining about being over powered and out gunned, I know you've never done that to any player/family! Y'all just mad that we prepared for the APOCALYPSE better than you did. Keep whining about how you want a 1v1/clan vs clan war. This only proves to all our members exactly what our alliance is doing to yours. I'm really sorry you guys didn't prep for the inevitable war that was going to come between the games two biggest alliances, would have been a better, more entertaining war had you had competent leaders preparing you. But alas, your leaders sold out and ditched you with a goof like Harb
Nice try cupcake but unlike someone I know who got their build torn down before for being naughty, I didn't do anything. Your Desperation stinks