Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Chubb's a war running?

    Not in Fury hitting an eb?
  2. Hmmm so funny you say that when truth be told you and fury only care about fury hense all the zaft ppl that cf you and chubbs and larry disrespect them and call them runners and yet the ones that cf from fury are shown nothing but love and compassion from you and fury hmmm so for you to tell anyone that they only care about there own clan and not there family is ridiculous. Shoot you guys even came out and said only reason your in this osw is because we hit your clan and not because we stripped harb lol. So much for zaft family
  3. Hahahahaha I bet Chubby will get offended over u missing on all the crap he talks about Adonis and couple more who left Fury, even prior to this war go away nightmare, the only time ur opinion mattered was when u were in ISS..was a great clan, Tech cared about his members..but u're in apoc now, not even kotfe - so nobody cares, even 'lords' don't lol
  4. [/quote]
    Hmmm so funny you say that when truth be told you and fury only care about fury hense all the zaft ppl that cf you and chubbs and larry disrespect them and call them runners and yet the ones that cf from fury are shown nothing but love and compassion from you and fury hmmm so for you to tell anyone that they only care about there own clan and not there family is pretty funny.[/quote]

    Hahahahaha I bet Chubby will get offended over u missing on all the crap he talks about Adonis and couple more who left Fury, even prior to this war go away nightmare, the only time ur opinion mattered was when u were in iss..was a great clan, but u're in apoc now, not even kotfe - so nobody cares, even the 'lords' don't lol[/quote]

    Lol ummm im talking about the ones in fury who left during this osw not before the ones who asked for cf. Lol keep trying you will get there soon enough.
  5. Also someone needs better info i was in battle with tech nvr iss ive visited acouple times was nvr a member tho. o_O nice try tho
  6. Then ull never know how it is when leader actually cares about their members
  7. I guess zaft will never know what it means for fury members to care about them also darn.
  8. U will never know what it is to be a leader.
    Speak not of what u r not. Play soldier.
  9. Rs you are very angry....so scary...flap your lips...the beating ends when we say..take a breath and read...I said hit eb, not that you were. At least do something besides raging in forums. RIP zaft and your pet furbies...please respond RS I love the rage. X O X O
  10. Apoc is a bunch of muppets
  11. If I were a muppet I'd be Chef or the Grumpy movie guy - always liked the muppets

    Muppet chef gif WRU
  12. ^ Is that your "coming out" post? Congrats! Takes a lot to do that on a game forum.

    Either way, it doesn't belong on this thread. Sorry.
  13. Well spoken from a clanless ally less sideline wannabe - you must be BFF with Larry!! Or is it more than friends??? Go get him tiger !!!
  14. Kotfe is one of the best clans / families in kaw. And in the most powerful alliance. And trust me all that doesn't happen if we don't care about our members. Feel free to ask every Kotfe if they feel cared about.

    Then ask Harb why his sdp ran out in 7 minutes.
  15. can i join you apoc guys? I like the way kotfe uses alternating large and small letters and words to make up their names.
  16. I'm feelin the care.
  17. If you weren't so stuck in the past your member wouldn't be stripped 60 tril plus 2 days ago. That was then and this is now. What you done lately? 
  18. Stripped more of you, beat on all of
    You some more - continued to make Zaft irrelevant.

    And I'm having a drink. You?
  19. Didn't have a gif handy.