How useless quoting old threads n giving history lessons. Keep living in the past n the rest of the majority will live in the present.
Hey, u runner u lol I simply replied to backstreetsback question. Are u saying he's living in the past?
Hahaha! That's what I'm talking about - 100 pages of trolls and people who think they are important enough to care about. I do appreciate the incoming really RS, you've hit me more in two days then the rest of the time I've been in osw. I'm sorry you haven't been on my list of targets and I'm sorry you aren't feeling loved.
Is it all the alcohol that makes u think u can tell Fury leaders what they need to do? Careful there - it's ssso high on sugar..How about u tell us here how much u don't care about any clan in ur 'empire' alliance but kotfe? Sadly, I think u have balls to say it in pm only..
I'm sorry u don't have enough opponents for all of u to get good amount of inc..Its easier for us - wide range of targets to chose from I had to find a new clan to farm after my previous apoc farms showed no life..
I'm not complaining dear. You're the one who complained about me not farming you. I merely said thank you.
Get ur facts straight if u really wanna be a propagandist. U leave much to be desired. Nothin more than poison hopping from clan to clan. Which OSW u speak of i ran from? Lets hear ur bs now. Tip find a corroborator to verify your lie.
U're like jb, I don't even read most of ur posts lol only difference is that u're just a groupie - jb is sitting in apoc clan at least
RS take a breath, all your yammering is giving me a headache...just take your beating quietly..go pin on the eb.
Ask me if i care what u read. I believe ur a big mouth spewing garbage. Besides having no personality.
Simple solution for u - don't read Check eb history before u open ur ignorant mouth. How did they even let u be a lord of apoc rp?
U seem both very mad for some reason and very eager to lick 'lords' butts lol maybe I'll start reading ur butthurt posts for entertainment lol
Nice try. U can tell ur brainwashed muppets whatever u want, but if there's nothing to gain from what u say in pm, there's really no point in honey dick U aren't THAT dumb to not understand this, how about the rest of apoc? U do gain a lot from honey dick them though - this game is the only place where u feel like u can forget about ur insecurities, for now.. And coming from ur words and the whole context in pm, kotfe alone just wasn't enough to compensate for those lol