Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. And Zaft 0/2 against Apoc chubster - get it right 

    Then again Zaft have Roni .....

    Nuff said 
  2. Yeah sure...how many clans has Apocalypse lost after first war? How many LBers? Indeed, not so many...only like all of them.

    After first war they was so butthurt that made them to jump Umbrella Corporation bandwagon.
  3. And apoc has you  you must be so useful

  4. It's a shame, they make me laugh. And I learn stuff about myself I never knew.
  5. Zaft are less than 5% as rich as they were before the osw started. Reminiscing about the good days doesn't change that fact yo
  6. Nah I'm totally useless, good at calling out muppets like you though so that's a bonus.

    Few things that make us different ....

    1 - I'm under no illusion
    2 - I don't use forums to flap my gums cos I'm getting my ass handed to me and I've no other weapons
    3 - you've got Roni
    4 - you're in an alliance that was in osw yet sat back and allowed one of their leaders to get cleaned of a small fortune
    5 - the stench of your rage is so strong I can smell it through a tap tap game
    6 - you have Roni 

    Go your turn for a remarkable come back ....

    Cue the roni rantings  
  7. 1. Nice 2year badge
    2. All Apoc has said about ZAFT is that they will all be sitting at mp yet i see many with 2t+. Is 2t+ mp or has this just been talk?
  8. jb is just bitter that zaft crackdown juniho owned him verbally and made him look a complete idiot . it was so funny we all saw the screenshots. this was when i was in crackdown and jb was in osiris and i caught one of thier members in crackdown.It was during the zaft/ apoc uc osw roughly oct/november 2013.so i caught a possible spy and they left and cryed back in osiris about me. jb came to juniho acting all macho saying after this osw ends then osiris are gonner osw zaft crackdown .but a few hours later jb returned back to juniho saying hes not going ahead with his fake threat of osw because roni was in the right and osiris acted wrongly. so jb left wagging his tail behind him .juniho is Boss !!! haha

  9. You're irrelevant and clearly need to get your eyes checked.
  10. Roni

    It's sought after not seeked after.

    I am one to talk but that one seemed egregious

  12. Jbs long butthurt statement....is butthurt *moonface emoji
  13. Why bother so much about the past? It's cool to chat about it, but right now and right here we are in an active osw. What matters now is this one and how it is shaping KAW going forward.
  14. "We"? You're a tiny gutless ps in a noob clan
  15. Give them some credit chubby, they were smart enough not to keep allies as a ps.

  16. Proof why monkeys shouldn't be given crayons -

    Ever thinking that I would believe Roni was in the right 

    Cool story though. I mean it's not like your sanity has ever been in question - when were you allowed out unsupervised btw 

    Love this girl, Zaft Fury's finest 
  17. Yes, we.

    Sorry you are confused Chubb's. However, my statement is valid. Yours was simply a redirect / avoid statement
  18. I don't think it's right to make fun of special ppl.
  19. yet again bootsy talks things she doesnt have a clue about.i never was kicked from zaft crackdown and anyone can ask Juniho or mat/ irish. i left because i was fighting the mighty torrid and warlord and a few others in that gang who had been mass bullying a friend . so i left to fight them . mat is in zaft eclipse now go ask him .
  20. I don't think it's right to lock people in basements. I'm concerned about your priorities mister.