Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. I just went back and looked at your statement. I skipped it originally because you are a noob.

    You said something about arguing something? I wasn't arguing anything. I was just offering you an ad or something you could use for your clan thread
  2. Strip wars not gonna be won by stripping ? That's a new one. 

    Well that's good news for zaft cuz they are way behind.

    But I wish we weren't just going in circles here. At this rate we will never reach 400 pages :(

    Sad they let Russian spy out of her cage tho. I thought they had a meeting and all decided she was an embarrassment lol

    And who is the kenny whiner. At first I thought he was Joking but he's clearly fighting to hold back the tears. Maybe we can give him a cf? I would be ok with that because it's clear we are hurting his feelings.

    All your clans suck zaft. Kotfe could fight u alone. Take yafi away and it's almost even numbers. But then u wouldn't be able to cry about being outnumbered .......
  3. Zaft isn't allowed to cry about being outnumbered

    That would be like America crying about another country trying to tell it what to do
  4. ^hey look.. It's the toughest guy to ever own a keyboard
  5. Dammit Cheese took that bullet for him
  6. Well, rs had said something about fighting with overwhelming numbers being weak, and that in afight she would want no advantages. Someone pointed out that zaft had fought for years with huge numbers. I called it unintelligent, and thankfully you posted those pics to back me up.
  7. ^huh?

    Too many noobs here
  8. Aren't you the one that made a ZAFT vs apoc osw thread and it was so bad they had to remove it?
  9. Yea one of the mods in Apoc graveyarded it because he pwned
  10. I just noticed that if you google search "Farta Elite" the first thing that comes up is kaw forums 

  11. Considering the fact that Chaos was the one to lock it because ZAFT were running around in circles AND were throwing around accusations, youre lucky it was graveyarded. Otherwise an actual mod would have sifted through and justly banned about 50 pages of babbling.

    Nice try though.
  12. Ouch, lol.

    I hope you have SS to back up what you say :)

    Also stop trying to make it sound like ZAFT should be thankful to a mod for having the thread removed, i'm pretty sure mods have a job to do and remain unbiased while doing so.
  13. Why don't u brainwashed nubs ask vets if u wanna know some Kaw history. Or just read another thread, where it was even confirmed by some apoc 'lord' that Zaft was in disadvantage number wise in the past osw vs apoc. Ahhh u must be too busy with ur lord rp..never mind
  14. Chaos locked Philosophers thread because IMF was getting accused of some things and Inferno warned it would get locked. That was a case of two mods from different sides working together to slow down that topic and give everyone a much needed breather....


    We are speaking about a different chest thumping thread made by Mary
  15. ^hopefully that clears it up for you Player
  16. Doesn't need an ss. Anyone that was following the thread at all will know that Chaos locked it by his post prior to.
  17. Why dont you look back at every other osw zaft has ever been in. Theyve never been outnumbered unless its Apoc. In every osw, zaft played the "you shouldve fought with more people. We're going to pulverize with sheer numbers now lol"

    Yet the second the shoe is on the other foot, youre a big bad underdog.

    Dont worry. We'll finish kicking your towered mp ass and then we'll see how well you guys did without numbers.

    Shouldve stuck with the zaft no posting policy. You all just sound like idiots now. Congrats.
  18. Actually Inferno he was asking about Mary's thread not Philosophers thread. I explained that in the above post
  19. Ah. The other thread. That I cant speak of knowingly as I didnt actually read it.
  20. This is the 3rd thread