Haha you're hilarious. I read your post here an checked your wall, I don't see how that's considered crying. But whatever floats your boat. And you probably sit there wondering why people try and insult you and troll you etc... Because it's too easy. Good day
OMG NO WAY WE LOST THREE PPL WE BETTER START WORRYING lmao how many have zaft lost? it makes u look foolish to call out ppl for running when most of ur members have done the same thing and on a way grander scale.
blazed idiot im not " bro " im female .what planet you been living on all these 3 years ive been playing kaw .it seems your the one spaced out and tripping now going out your way to impress and join the bandwagon haters .but the thing is if you wasnt in it at the start then all you are is a butt kissing shirttail rider. and your screenname gives away your hobby .im sorry but you n me are not the same. How many more leeches will re surface trying to speak to me its funny .
you truly are special window licking type of dude, since you're always soo keen and wise on stats im sure if you take a gander youll see even if I ran from a osw (which I've NEVER been in or ran from) that the stats don't add up. and that yet again you've been proven im not who you think/want me to be, wise up and quit while you still have some pride. you and roni are embarrassing yourselves..... btw. keep up the fails roni Ill sleep better knowing youre wasting your time on me (a barelyactive acct rather than your osw which you contribute so much.for) last laugh is on you tools hahahahahahahaha
we are the ones laughing at grovvellers like you smackyourcow .who have no shame in anything they say or do to impress and get the thumbs up pat on the back from the apoc committee. has it got you a entry wall pass yet ? because you deffinantly earned it when you hired my three 1b allies then did some steals after hireing them netting yourself 3m per steal . you so hardcore ! you brought it upon your self for doing that when you aint a part of this osw.so dont cry about it now
She can't hit so this is what she does Roni, you're so pathetic with your KaW obsession. You've taking this crap to a whole new level, and everyday you're crazier than the before. No body cares about you No one is scared of you You're ridiculously delusional
everybody has noticed its you with the sad obsession and jealousy over me bootsy the osw 7-8th time runner.see today/ last night i did a experiment i completley ignored you and carryied on my own way doing my own thing talking to whoever i want .but i blanked you bootsy. and i knew youd somehow be talking about me again haha and i got it right. i used whack you 24/7 on my old account for over a year .you know i battered your account good and you cant handle me. you cry to striptease members to hit me. you cryed to blackhand to hit me ( that was before they ejected you )! you cryed to true spartans to hit me you cryed to jenni and you cryed to apoc to hit me. thats because your useless on your own . its funny how you return now now all the osw fighting for true spartans has fizzled out. your un reliable for them to depend on you cause you left kaw .even nightmare saw your excuse saying you cant sit on kaw with no incoming. but its a 2 way thing hit to recieve also. everybody can see how riled up with jealousy you are of any female with a strong personality that leaves you in the shade. hense your repeat comments towards me. but its so funny to watch you soo envious cause you cant regain your composure.
she thinks shes so super cool doing the big spaces between the sentances how lame and pathetic.keep on the osw topic bootsy and stop de railing Senor_Butthurt's theme thread.
So what has this thread actually proved? Besides the fact that the majority of people in Apoc, Fury, ZAFT and every other party involving themselves are completely illiterate, and all seem to take pride in being slightly less stupid than their adversaries.
sharp :- Zaft / Fury and apoc might be stupid but we are high up there looking down on all the dunces in a.w.p and thats for fact. a.w.p are the bottom of the barrel