Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Ur mistake is that u measure everything in fake Kaw gold. That explains ur cf requests and runners who u allow to join ur clans. When u understand that wars are won by persistence and loyalty first of all, u may get my view on Kaw reality which is way more enjoyable than urs - it's sad that ur only comeback is repeating some numbers over and over. But I won't hold my breath lol remember how u stripped Harb? Lol
  2. its not just a ee clan . it was active 18 days ago running rotwb
  3. I think we all know what the bigs in Apoc rather do too with the gold they earn from ebs rather than focusing on targets. As I've said before, the new lands and buildings haven't been out long. Go to the clans that house Apoc council. It's a curious one as to where all of those funds are going with their members' stats. :roll: It's a pity the small Apoc clans aren't growing.... I wonder how their members feel knowing a lot of the upper Apoc are only hitting ebs and putting their gold towards upgrades rather than focusing on the osw.
  4. By two accounts 
    It's a clan for EE - but roni is always right! Don't forget! Lol
  5. Persistent and loyally doing nothing apart from posting on forums v stripping trillions off people . Hmmmm lol

    This mid sized fat mouth spy with a 93b ally doesn't have to worry about being stripped anything measurable as she's never had anything apart from a fat mouth and small head lol
  6. At spank. Great story perhaps you could empathize if you had any lb left oh wait lol
  7. So basically all those funds u selfishly spent on upgrading? Wow, real team player. Lol. I guess that explains why u guys aren't winning this war? Idk what u guys think ur going to accomplish at this point especially with the remaining zaft doing same thing u r. But hey, who am i? Im just a little guy on the totem pole who came out of retirement to finish off zaft. And if there is any question as to who is winning this war, zaft carnage holding the last thread in this osw. E1 else is mostly ps or mp at this point while most of us have more allies, pot, i mean pots ;), and gold. Respect has been earned for the ppl still fighting. And none will be lost when u guys do end up throwing in the towel. We all know it's inevitable at this point. But hey, i love osw too so can understand why u keep fighting. happy kawing e1. And always pass to the left
  8. Spank - osw isn't what it once was:) growing is essential to keep up so people don't create minimal damage and potburn themselves. Ofc it needs to stay balanced, targets still need to stay p, etc. and as u can tell by looking through ZAFT rosters - we are getting plenty strips done tyvm.
  9. Russian, I have no desire to mimic your view or approach to kaw as it is reflective of poor choices accompanied by a mentality that seeks to escape the realities of defeat.
  10. You are correct that osw isn't what it once was in the past. Players would pin and farm their targets and give them no room to breathe. However, in the past, EBs didn't always exist. I didn't say stripping wasn't occurring. I was pointing out there are plenty of Apoc members hitting ebs rather than targets and not funneling gold for strips. Their massive stats in a short period of time is proof of that point. It appears as though Apoc leaders permit their members to care more about personal growth rather than focusing on the osw itself. It's rather pathetic to watch the upper Apoc grow and carry on as if the osw doesn't exist while the members of the smaller clans suffer through the war.

    As for your point of Apoc pinning Zaft, go run through the alleged "250" actives in Zaft and tell me how many of them are pinned or close to pinned.
  11. U been claiming our defeat for 5 months now. I'm sure ur Kaw gf will disagree after she recently parted with her bfa :( So who's escaping the reality?
  12. Apoc stripped me quite a few times. Total loss of 2.1t that I invested in strips on them prior. I usually don't carry bfa, on that acct anyway. Not much - I know, but then again I'm just a spy who steals strips and skims lower lb so they don't sit on gold out. Oh and irritate the crap out of u and other emo apoc clowns in forums lol

    As of us growing stats vs putting everything towards strips - well that'll be just stupid in our position. Who's gonna steal ur big eb fairies when they are stripped if we don't upgrade stats? Stats are much bigger than bfa in terms of what u get for ur gold, u might wanna look into that too. So we gotta balance strips and upgrades, but we are in no rush. Long term war strategy. A war u nubs, cowards and runners obviously didn't expect to last any more than few days lol
  13. Russian, I don't need a cf from zaft to know when they are washed up. Do tell me more about my alleged girlfriend though. This I can't wait to hear. Maybe we found the true root of your jealousy afterall 
  14. You don't annoy me I just like playing with you lol. You upgrade in moderation you don't all sit at max plunder unless u were stripped oh wait lol. I see your cr1 has 3 allies lol.

    You need to brush up on your zaft studies too. Shameful you didn't know zeus zaft founder ran yesterday lol. The fat mouthed mid sized spy with a 93b ally saga continues lol
  15. Your Dino rp is terible unfollowed
  16. Spank I can say the same for ZAFT lol - and the smaller clans don't need your pity, they have their priorities straight
    How about Carnage&Fury versus the smaller ZAFT clans? Get my point?
    I've already stated my "opinion" concerning your post previously. Scroll.
  17. Yes. U got me - I'm super jealous Of ur rp shenanigans. I hope this conformation will calm u down and put u back into the stage of ignoring 'irrelevant' me
  18. Oh look everyone its the runner who changed his name during event and ran from fury because he was p and z lol to sit clanless then ran back home when everyone called him out on it . Noob
  19. Pinkie?
  20. Where's ur another statless alt yeahiknow? Too embarrassed to talk from it or plain scared? I suspected u shut ur trap there cos lords told ur main to do so