Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. And to add, the time you believe I reset was probably at least half a year to a year off. OG didn't even exist when this happened

    And just so you didn't miss it, what was my old username again?
  2. Idk who your old user name.. You're just the guy known for resetting and running during that war.. It may have gone unnoticed if you hadn't continue to talk from the reset account. You reset and started cheering from the sideline.. It's cool man osw is not for everyone
  3. Still, you have the wrong time period bud. Ask someone from pure evil or iG.
  4. This is pretty much how DirtyLarry works
    An example-

    DL : Abraham Lincoln was a slave

    Everyone: Are you high?

    DL: No, he was, I just remember. It is what he is known for. He also was also born in 1760, during the war of 1812.

    Everyone: ok kid, what else do you know? Do you have proof of what you're talking about?

    DL: trust me I'm right, I just know it. Facts are facts
  5. You can't hide from your past Skilla..
  6. When Larry says he is using his garbage alt on LR, he actually means fail scouting or asn every couple of hours.

    I hope that's not what he refers to as "farming into the ground".
  7. My past LOL. You truly are exactly how I made u out to be in the example. You have no proof, u make stuff up out of the thin air. (Remember, Abe was a slave)

    All I ask is for some proof and you keep ignoring a simple question

    You are an ignorant wannabe, go troll someone else you moron
  8. Ok I will go troll somewhere else and you can continue on with your Apoc/ZAFT osw that is now focused on you
  9. So much for you hiding behind your CA eh?

    Yes and now you're 0'd
  10. I'm not involved in this huge eb brawl... You truly are an idiot Larry

    And you keep ignoring my question, where's the proof that I ran from a war?
  11. You're not part of this? Oh...
  12. If you present any evidence, I'll reset on the spot and make ur dreams come true by making a little thread dedicated to you
  13. My spies are a lil busy. So they're low. What was that 7. or 8 failed scouts to kill a regen go Larr u da man
  14. Relax jane maybe sit out the next few posts
  15. Check your moms ass, I left some evidence there yesterday
  16. And you still ignored my question 

    You gotta be the most ignorant person I've ever come across
  17. Dude you're a runner reset queen, get over it
  18. When you write hiding behind your CA all I see is you writing this " I'm so butthurt Belle made me look like an idiot. Then I mouthed off to her and she put me in CA for acting like a moron".

    Other than that. No clue what your point is with the CA.
  19. You really are good at avoiding questions lol.
    All I ask for is proof That war was huge, I'm sure you could find it anywhere.

    u really are the dumbest and most ignorant person in kaw
  20. You and belle gotta be the most delusional fellas on kaw. Your whole reputation is to mouth off and hide behind Sugah, but she left huh.. Now it's run to momma Belle because Larry was mean to me and farming me. I'm farming your whole clan. The tears are all over my accounts walls... And all because you couldn't handle a little 1v1.. Smh