Idk it's a funny way of saying that lol. Is anyone who posts "no support" my alt too? Calling me the laughing stock of kaw while you post with a raging statless is pretty ironic
Thank you for dignifying me with a response again. Denying your statless alt made this thread while criticising a statless alt is hilarious lol. We all know. Just like when u logged in to senor butthurt and asked Imf to leave thread for owning you even though u brought up the subject matter lol. Others alluded to it. The way you posted ss of nightmare then had senor say don't discuss it again directly underneath while complementing yourself might I add lol is further proof its you And yes clam a and a couple of three monthes ago concerns clan a and fury directly. You came up with it and senor your alt butthurt posted it in op. All roads lead to Larry lol. Keep denying it we all know. As you said yourself fooliness has over taken this thread and it should be locked, fury foolishness lol. So log on your alt and end the embarrassment for fury once and for all. You guys will look stupid enough when zaft cuts ties lol.
YeahIknow please do not post about me or my identity here again. It is not the topic of conversation. Make another thread about it and maybe I will join that discussion. I don't mind you bantering and raging here but keep my name out of your mouth considering I'm not in this war. When I confronted IMF I meant it to be funny and saying Clam A is just something I saw forums. Its true, I borrowed a couple of 3 jokes from Larry, but hey I think he is funny and so are you. You are welcome to continue your little rage fest but if you get off topic again I will request you banned
I don't think it's sugarbaby, I'm convinced it's a kotfe tool, maybe lord (the lower class one of course. Gotta love the rp aspect lol). After Mary got embarrassed enough to order them all to shut up, this muppet had no choice but come here to entertain us with a stateless alt. It would be a better entertainment if he/she wasn't so repetitive Work on that YeaIknow. All the best apoc's arguments that they have been throwing at us from the start of war were: Zaft's assumed no forum policy; statless alts - must be Zaft; Zaft are allie hoarders who hire hits etc. And here we are, laughing at them trying to make apoc to become what they always wanted to be - new Zaft. U guys will never be anything but wannabes. U lack class to begin with. YeahIknow, please don't listen to Mary and continue, ur barking, it's exceptionally amusing indeed. See? I even dedicated a post to u what a cookie too? lol Btw, I must be Larry too, cos I call Mare 'Mary'..u know, just like the clam A thing and señor
Didn't read lol. Fury will be out of lb soon 48th at present. Apoc never c.f. on fury. Zaft will throw fury to the lions for being classless mouth noobs. And you will still be crying on forums trying to stay relevant. Emphasis on trying. Later noob lol
You better do as he says. Or senor will ask you to leave thread. I wonder who I could possibly mean when I said he. Hmmm perhaps roni can solve this mystery lol
YeahIknow you have been requested to get off this thread for derailing, if you continue you will be forum banned, do not post after this warning.