Krusty trying desperately to get Chubbs after years of Chubbs making him look like tool. You're not tied into your clan during osw, we are grown ups here. We come and go as we please but we are still hitting. Sometimes you gotta step outside to handle business. Maybe you can explain why everyone stepped out on you while you tried to revive the foxes
Since you seem to try to present yourself as such a true warrior, why don't you do me a favor? Go max crystal on Zaft and tell me how many of them are pinned or even close to pin. You'll find most are not pinned. I could log onto multiple accounts and see all of their news with only sporadic hits. Why is this? My build in addition to the fact that I don't appear on the forums. With Apoc outnumbering Zaft heavily (this is not a complaint but bringing me to my next point), why is Zaft not mostly pinned? You are correct, many in zaft are not pinned, no arguments there. But why pin an account that is inactive? So by your thinking it doesn't matter if the account is just sitting there filling a seat in the clan doing nothing... It should be pinned?
Your point is moot given the fact that I am not inactive nor are my alts. I hit my targets with little to no response. If I were to assume they were not permitted to hit me back and are disciplined, then who exactly in Apoc is supposed to be pinning me and my alts? Are the members I speak to about their incomings inactive too? I never would have thought inactives could respond. If I want consistent incomings, I have to stray off targets and hit people I know will respond to their news. This is of course is frowned upon so I try to stick to targets despite my boredom. With all of that said, I must ask again, who exactly is supposed to be hitting me for my news to be so quiet? Why can I and others even say their news is quiet? I must bring the point up again with Zaft being so outnumbered none of us should have sporadic hits in their news. I feel sorry for the individuals in apoc who are suffering being that their head members only care about personal growth rather than the war.
big respect to zaft members. they are more classy than apoc members from what I can see. True family spirit. had some respect for apoc at beggening of this osw, but quickly that went away. Apoc is disrespectful and is only about cheap shots.
@spankmybubble, who are you? You say you are active with multiple accounts in zaft and yet post with that account? Anyone can make a new account and claim they have a main in some random clan, that doesn't make it true. You want your argument to be valid then post your comments with your zaft accounts.
Aww. The whole alt argument. Is that all you can come up with in response? That does not invalidate the points I was making in my previous posts. I have not used my main out of respect to certain individuals in Zaft; however, I felt compelled to make a statement regarding this war. Do I honestly need to post with my main in order to get incomings? Is that what it takes to motivate the head cheese in Apoc to care about war, their members, and not only themselves? You assume most of Zaft is inactive for whatever reason. If that is the case, you should know who is active and therefore I shouldn't have to ask to be pinned. The allegedly small amount of actives shouldn't have any room to breathe given the numbers in comparison. Do me a favor and go through Zaft yourself and test them as I stated before. I'll say this for the third time. It's sad to see that the Apoc clans who do not hold any LB or apoc council in their clans are suffering as a result of this war. I am sorry those "more significant" clans only care about personal growth while your clans suffer as a result.
hi weasel the same can be sayd about YeahiKnow not posting with its main and only threatening n talking big on a alt . well they could easy write with any of their accounts SugarBaby or Torva_messor . but they can only be a coward to insult on a new unknown account. hey and crankyDragon you could also write on your _ Jupiter account . you must think that nobody would figure that out ! well my stats are growing daily . soon ill be hitting the big boys in apoc and making my alliance proud of me! i hope so any way . i do try my best !! chubby i think larry will have a contender in you and a challenge to take away his pVp crown !
@spank... I don't care if your account is an alt or main, it just should be with stats and in zaft, an alt with stats and in zaft is acceptable. I'm not asking you to "post with your main"... You make it sound like you have a few accounts in zaft, pick one and post with it.
Yes, I have a few accounts in Zaft. You are asking me to post with an account in Zaft. Again, do I honestly have to provide you with the account for you or someone else in Apoc to pin it? I'll bring up my point again since you don't seem to be comprehending it. You state there aren't many active in Zaft. For you to make this statement, you must know who is and is not inactive in Zaft. Please go test those actives and see how many are not pinned. I hope the statements I have made today cause the individuals in the Apoc clans who are not growing anywhere near as rapidly as Warlor, etc. to reflect on their position in this war.
You confirmed you afraid and a girl lol. Cries 400 500 accounts hitting me I'm scared waaaaaa leaves clan and changes name as he wants to make lb l ols. Didn't go to well girl you will never live this down hahahabaahhahabababsbabsb Runner bahaha
Step outside to handle business lol. You mean being clanless offers chubby more protection than being in fury does lol. Sad what fury has become when members change name and run to avoid inc lol
I've always loved athletics. And you're a mighty runner lololol #RunForestRun Change name can't hide fury offers you no protection you feel safer on your own lol. Scared run whimper lols
Ok let's talk about growth rate... A moot point. As there are many factors involved in growth rate. Maybe the people that are growing quickly are spending more than others, there are some that don't spend. Are we to assume that the growth rate between someone that spends RL cash and someone that spends 0 should be the same? You could include ally trading, maybe the smaller accounts don't have the gold to ally trade. Too many variables in growth rate.
Do you find it odd that the individuals growing rapidly are all housed together? Why are only certain clans and their members growing substantially in stats and other clans aren't? If you take a look at the "more important" clans with the LB and apoc council, they are hitting HTE regularly. Their rapid growth indicates they are more involved with hitting ebs rather than funneling money for strips and focusing on targets. It is clear personal gain trumps the importance of this war and other apoc clans. It's a pity that the other apoc clans' members have to suffer through this war while the clan's housing apoc council and LB grow. I wonder if the lesser members ever feel like peons and foot soldiers handling the dirty work.
Lol - yay statless Alts!! Post with your "badass accounts in zaft" LOL ! Our clans are fine - you should worry about your so called mains in zaft clans more than us. Even Roni doesn't resort to posting with statless Alts - and if you are worse than Roni - wow - Apoc is the best place to be - always has been - RIP Zaft