Bahahahahaha! What a great way to skirt the issue at hand, which is your hypocrisy. How in the hell is Chubbs any different from a hundred other players in your little osw? You guys sure like to toot your own horns don't you? Point is, (which I guess I must reiterate), when an Apoc member does exactly what he did, they're oh so horrible, when someone in your own alliance does it, it was merely a tactic to rile everyone up. Sounds totally legit. But I bet that if no one gave him any crap about it, he'd still be a barcode in another clan, trying to participate in the event on the DL. You really need to stop fangirling over every dude you think is somebody. It's so pathetic that I'm actually embarrassed for you.
But cranky you're my favorite fan girl and Turlock he changed his alt to my name and had a whole convo with himself on his wall which is kinda weird.....even for the internet
im more embarressed about yourself cranky dragon . your trying too hard like in overdrive to impress apoc. have they even acknowledged you and all your contributions here on forums backing them? i very much doubt it your just a sponge desperate to get reconized by them . why not ask for a visitors pass.i really think youve earned it. then you can then show them how versatille you really are a warrior as well as a man of words. can you play both sides as well as the other thats indessisive. Nighmare machine give cranky a shot at being one of your own . hes worked over time repping you all here .its clear hes a leader not a follower if only given that chance.whereas im quite happy staying in the back ground just following orders of my leaders .ALL HAIL CHUBBY may his reign be a happy ; prosperous and a joyous one !!
Wait wait so we have to cast just to get inc from zaft that's kinda sad that zaft only hits when a event is on yawn, and plus why so many of your clan not casted? burn
I love that chubby chaser's feelings was so hurt that he changed his name back. I guess he does care what others think about him in a Tap game. :lol:
Read abv posts, u guys said. Zaft dont want to do pvp event so they are not casting. Thats why i said even many apoc guys too have not casted as well.. Either u guys just post directly seeing last post acting kinda dumb or u guys trying to twist my ideas. Have np with me
Every single time I see a player claim "you're too scared to cast" it makes me laugh. Let's break down this logic. You're stating Zaft and Yafi are too scared to cast. What does that mean? Should Zaft and Yafi only expect incomings if they're opted into this event? Does that mean Apoc needs prizes from the devs in order to hit Zaft? Is this similar to how Kotfe has to offer seals to their members in to motivate their members to hit Zaft? I've heard they create their own events for themselves..... It's pretty sad when you have to offer prizes to "osw vets" to get them to focus on war.
lol Apoc always run Bl events, system wars and scavenger hunts, why should osw be any different. Thats what KotFE and Apoc is about, having fun, and osw is about having fun.
Awe, what's wrong chubby barbie? Did you get your feelings hurt? First Apoc hits you to much for you to win this event so you run from fury and change your name. Then you get butt hurt because you got called out on it and change your name again and crawl back to fury. You have already made it to where you have to get in the top 100 to make the event profitable. And that's not including the amount of xstals and horse heads you may have to buy to get there.. Since... You know... You admired to Apoc kicking absolute ass in your OSW. Chubby Barbie lives in pin.
Spank, who said we needed prizes to hit? Chubby even admitted to how much incoming he got pre war.
this is pathetic. Some apoc members are faking zaft names, and Apoc council isnt doing anything about it. I remember a pvp event not so long ago where 2 of zaft members finished top 10 pvp side and where 2 members of apoc finished top 10 pve side.
wait are you stupid or what? can't you read? He clearly said he changed his name to win the event not because he's running from fury.
What are your stupid or can you not read. I said ran from fury and changed his name to win the event. He still ran. And I use that in the same context that he uses it when people visit other clan. Chubby ran and changed his name because Apoc is beating the dog out of Zaft. Got butt hurt because he got called out and changed his name again and crawled back to fury.
Chubby gets a lot of incomings for two reasons. The first reason being his build. "warriors" love that easy gold of hitting the troops on a hansel. The second reason would be because he is well known from his frequent posts on the forums. Since you seem to try to present yourself as such a true warrior, why don't you do me a favor? Go max crystal on Zaft and tell me how many of them are pinned or even close to pin. You'll find most are not pinned. I could log onto multiple accounts and see all of their news with only sporadic hits. Why is this? My build in addition to the fact that I don't appear on the forums. With Apoc outnumbering Zaft heavily (this is not a complaint but bringing me to my next point), why is Zaft not mostly pinned? Apoc beats on their chest saying most of Zaft is naked of bfa. With that said, what is there left to do in osw except pin Zaft? Why aren't you doing it? Is it because you're bored? If you would like to claim that you're all on targets and pinning Zaft heavily, I'll bring up my next point. Go look at the top Apoc clans. The new land with buildings with crazy stat increases have not been out long. Do you notice that most members of Warlor, Kotfe, etc,. have had a massive stat increase? Do you think this stat increase is from hitting targets? You won't get that stat increase from hitting attack builds throughout the day and even hitting a hansel all day long is unlikely. If you're hitting attack builds comparable to your size, you'll be failing attacks here and there and someone smaller than you does not pay that great (as you should know). Tell me. How well are the clans doing who do not have the key LB/council members in it? Their stats seem to be struggling since they aren't running b2b HTE. To those clans, I must ask.... How does it feel knowing warlor, kotfe, etc. are putting most of their gold, if not all, towards upgrades rather than funding strips? How does it feel knowing they're hitting ebs rather than worrying about targets? How does it feel knowing you're falling behind on growth while they only care about personal gain? Don't only take my word for it. Go compare Apoc clans yourself and go test Zaft rosters yourself.