Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. For summer wars can anyone participate?
  2. HoG got caught on the backfoot and have had one thing after another, MG have had numerous runners and probably wasn't active enough to compete anyway as like someone said, after you have won everything the will to compete only goes so far. Hatfelds strip seemed to affect HiT and they have had many runners since but CR, TS and KotFE are the real OSW frontrunners in apoc who probably invest more in banks than BFA as they are OSW ready clans not too different from ZAFT
  3. Zaft cannot be broken the way Yafi broke Osiris. Zaft is too well organized, and have no problem with a year long osw. Their toughest opponent in the long run might indeed be the war hardened Kotfe. I feel it is not a question of whether Zaft will win this war, just how much of a beating will they get and how smaller will they be when it is all done?
  4. I predict the winner will win. Zaft apoc who knows.
  5. Bold prediction Bishop. 
  6. Zaft all the way ;)
  7. I would hope the winner would win. Would suck if the winner lost :(
  8. On ZachGhost's thread Laoda said that Red was like a god, Didn't even appear on his BL.
  9. Damn...no good information in whole thread...only predictions....
    Very good thread.....!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. @ buzz

    Tests have shown that successful actions (both attack and spy) play a huge part in your LB ranking, even more than allies. Chongo is where he is because he has an obscene amount of successful actions. What makes Redstar even more great is that he can maintain a top ten rank even though having so few actions. This means his bfa is obscenely huge, perhaps twice that of chongos. There is little doubt Redstar is a much more powerful build than chongo.
  11. You don't say? Thanks Sherlock
  12. Being able to spend a huge amount of dollars does not make anyone great!
  13. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  14. Comment from a Zaft source: HOG has had a particularly hard war. In fact most of Fury ended up joining it to stop its clan LB ranking from free falling any further.
  15. @devil

    Sure he spends money. America has the greatest military strength in the world and they got it by spending money too. As long as it is within the rules, I have no problem with Redstar spending money. Goodness knows I have spent a fair penny as well.
  16. The funny thing is, zaft seems to have the funds, but are they willing to spend them?

    Here's a quote from a few members of zaft "the forums are full of noobs and haters. They are a waste of time" so this thread shouldn't be a issue for them.

    I personally, don't actually believe there will be any sort of winning in this war. It's a war of zaft thinking that apoc was planning to over power them, so when an opportunity arrived. Zaft paranoia took over and created a war.

    Zaft is well known for the wrack first then talk motto, a hit to one is a hit to all.. And so on, I believe this discourages the fact of any sort of respect from my point. They turn a mono v mono fight into a one v clan battle. A battle is only one step away from war. They will wrack, and has wracked on cases, where their members has been the guilty party, many of times, people will be farmed to reset over just one hit on a zaft account.

    If you really think about it, they hold their selves above everyone. They use their power, threats and rep to intimidate others. They don't question their leaders, they only share info with the ones they think are right to hear it.

    Zaft wants to rule kaw, they are willing to look down on others, put them down, even destroy people to make their self something.

    They are not respected they are feared. I say, these are people who wants the luxury of being the most powerful and don't want anyone to go against them.

    I say, in my moral structure, I feel this is wrong, their attitude, their ways, their beliefs are wrong.

    I fight zaft because I feel, they are not how This game should be shaped like. Not what people should be like.

    This is a game, let we all allow power, money and fear to rule it. I do not believe in that. I stand against zaft as I'd stand and fight against any one who lead their selves to act in such a way.

    This isn't a war to me, this is to prove a point, to prove that, I'm not afraid, that I will not allow people to act in a way, no matter my size, power and money.. I will stand.

    Zodiac alliance freedom treaty, zodiac was warriors, with bravery, with honour, with respect. Where's that in zaft.. And after all, the only freedom they want, is that for their selves.

    I say, this isn't a war, this is a point. I do what I want, not what others want me to do..

    I will not fight for a war that isn't mine, that isn't justified, I will only fight in honour, in respect and will never run.

    So I say, if I never prove my point, It'll be forever ill be fighting.. I dislike zaft for what they stand for, what their actions are.

    To be judged fair, to be talked to, you must reach out to them, and allow you to accept their demands. To know their way, to know their members or be part of them.

    If you want their respect, you got to prove your self. What are they above us?

    I say no, these are just people who power, money and fear.

    And oh yeah, paranoia which turned a battle into a war.. It was them who declared war on apoc out of fear that apoc was trying to over throw them. To knock them off their pedestal.

    These people who are only on that pedestal because we allow them to be. So this war will show are they as feared and powerful and got as much money as everyone claims? Or is that just because they allow us to believe.

    I say. This isn't a war, this is a point.
  17. @Coml3y

    Apoc is the same way. Hit one, get hit by an entire clan. They don't believe in 1v1. I'd say if any family in kaw was as close in size/attitude to zaft it would be apoc. Don't try and take the high road on this one...you sound like any given account back in the iG/blackhand domination days. Fighting for justice and tyranny! Lol. Denial is just a river in Egypt
  18. And against tyranny* lol fighting for tyranny would be a little backwards