Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Well there are still a few months before summer wars and I doubt they will stop fighting right before the Summer Wars start. So I don't think there is much to worry about there are still plenty of time for strips and inc to come as well and don't forget those War Runners still many to run I suspect. Keep it up both sides


  2. Lol speaker zaft failed 6 strips on me when war started I was 112 in Allie leader board  they failed many strips on me each strip was more than 4 trill in allies including the one yesterday that they actually took 20 bill . To let you know roockie to be 200 in leader board you need at least 15 trill they I have had more than 16 allies over 700 bill to a trill all that when war started I was over 50 trill in allies many of then over price like chongo and loada and all other top 20 leader board after I drop build to become a bank cuz loada broke the CF In I really don't like this bully I decide to drop all allies too and bank my money and become a spy build that for your information roockie is stronger than any leader board I can hit any one from #10 Allie leader board and above them I love farming BULLIES WELL when I drop build and sold allies and drop the over price Allie I got about 35 trill from losses then loss some more banking in gold bars that give me over 25 trill in bank money lol see you are defenely a zaft kisser  by the way WC I will keep feeding you guys just run out of speakers to let you guys hit me when I get gold from zafies lol love you guys remember this is a game no reason to offend any one or talked crap I bet you loada is a little nerd lol but and he like to bullie people the same way they did it or doing it to him cuz before this war if you touch and cellas or red they are the same person any way  or loada they will strip you now you guys tell me how many of your leaders didnt get strip by zaft members like red cella or other just be cuz and Allie see now they scare to farm any one cuz they were getting smack by apocps and they call faith 4 more clans lol  and apocps still snatching you guys but red and cella and loada are scare to farm the wrong person cuz if apocps get any help trust me they will get smatch worse ok guys that is for me any way any question wall me or follow me by the way for those who don't know me my first acc was dark hand creator of one of the most fearless clan. Here 
  3. Wow Scarbat did not see you talking big like this when you were a warrior build with allies 
  4. Let him win lah. Don't waste time posting. Let's go for coffee later.
  5. Oh next time we have a new term in KAW: "you did a SCARBAT" (drop all allies and change build when get stripped 2T), ok condor see you at our usual place
  6. Droped attack build once. Dropped all allies. Banked in BB. Rebuilt to a pure spy.

    You dint really think this through right? :lol:
    25 T in bank money. Cool. If you unbank, Buy an ally/strip someone. You'll just end up getting stripped again, Unless you plan to drop that ally to immediately , Pretty easy talking big as a pure spy, With nothing to lose. :)

    So in theory , ZAFT does'nt need to do anything . You'll self strip. :lol:
  7. Who sarcbat they did invent periods. They generally make and rambling nonsensical drivel such as your post semi coherent.
  8. Its pretty much a race against time as soon as the big apoc hitters get stripped no one will be able to touch the ZAFT LB unless they turn PS and it will basically be a whole alliance trying to annoy ZAFT. But of course most would have left by then and MG has by far being hit the worst, losing a subclan through internal affairs and also alot of LB players.
  9. As for Faith coming in over a ally dispute over HoG, its a case of what goes around comes around. Referring to the war with solve where the solve owner brought a clanmate which was replied to with an immediate strip. Unfortunately doing it to an LB clan while in osw wasn't the best idea.
  10. Zzz post with your main lol....
  11. lmao legion! i tried to read sacrabats post but i only read n understand butthurt!
  12. @Sarc...

    Dude do you really think laoda one day just woke up and thought...

    "I know I'll break a cf with sarc - I've so many active apoc to hit yet I'll go after one random guy who asked for a cf and has already left war.."

    come on dude if you wish to continue spinning lies and making ZAFT look like bullies then so be it but the truth is you went around trying to gain support against ZAFT - this broke your cf and you know it.

    I don't mean to be blunt but in the greater war effort your just another player with little tactical importance hence your cf was approved and you were left alone in good faith until you decided to break it by trying to get support against ZAFT.

    If you wish to call me a Liar pls do so here but THINK EXTREMELY CAREFULLY first - ill keep checking this thread next few days while i try to work out how to post pics then if you do wish to air your dirty laundry in the forums I'll post ss of the convo of you trying to gain random support and then having a recent apoc mg runner contact the same person you spoke to,to create some master plan against ZAFT..

    How will this make things look then?

    Your actions go against cf terms and I'm sure no clans would disagree

    I'm not sure if trying to gain support was off your own noob back or apoc council approved but be extremely careful how you choose to spin this sarc as your not only make yourself but others look weak.

    Sadly you got caught. Plain and simple hence the strip attempt - then you screwed your build over far worse then ZAFT ever could saving us alot of funds so thanks bro.

    ZD has decided to forever call mega noob / rage moments "Doing a sarc" so in the end your involvement in this war will have a lasting memory for us all 

    Be very careful what lies you spin here Sarc cos ill gladly call you out and I'll send copies to apoc leaders for them to see if they are unaware of what you tried to do in their name.

    Happy kawing sarc 
  13. UPDATE

    Canadiangal in MG gave up her moderator role because she didn't want it to censor what she has to say. After losing the green she went on a highly entertaining zaft trashing tirade in WC. Here is a sample.

    "Laoda is mentally unstable. He strip farms his own clanmates."
    "Apoc is a group of friends. Zaft is a cult."

    Enjoy your freedom CG!
  14. Even though my clan owner in another game is zaft,im on apoc side.

    It would be nice to see a change of so called "best clan" in KaW
  15. So called? Idk if zaft ever called themselves best alliance in kaw 
  16. Besides by looks of it the challenge is over
  17. I never said that Zaft said they were the best clan
  18. Lots of people do.That seems to be the generalization of zaft.

    How do you figure war is over?
  19. Maybe its not but there all dropping down the LB 