Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Ally lb is the true measure of the strongest in kaw
  2. agree with rogue! byin nobs or xtals is the same! for 700 wins u need tons of xtals ;)

    Okay I am getting lots of conflicting post about the present condition of Zaft UK.

    Zaft feels there is no problem in Zaft UK and the drama there has dealt with. Zaft Uk is strong.

    Personally, I think they need to have a clan meeting.
  4. breaking news, reds clan claims they are winning the war and there are no problems whatsoever.
  5. Breaking news it aint reds clan.

    Many members of Zaft UK have pmed me saying the rumor of trouble in Zaft Uk is a a croc of shiitake mushrooms. All I can say is that I was given the story by one upset member of that clan, who is still a member there. Time for an internal meeting.

    Zaft UK is also denying the charge that there was a recent mole hunt there. Moles there were caught and dealt with long ago.
  7. wow neither Laoda or red are in the top 200 of the battles LB yet are in and near the top ten :shock:

  8. Bom also has few battle wins.
  9. Considering cella isn't one through battle hits thats gotta be crazy BFA maybe 1000 tril combined
  10. I was just making a point for an arguement mate. I know allies should make difference in calculation of strongest player, but I equally agree with number of wins being a part of this calculation. Good that KAW not only made big spenders look good, but also those who have experienece (if nothing else, number of wins are a good indicator of that).
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Number of wins doesn't show experience, it shows you can xtal in ebs.
  13. number of loses (excluding pwar osfs) is a better indicator.
  14. How about we do a little analysis then beating around the bushes?
    Assuming ZAFT alts have put things correctly in forums, Chongo has been stripped 5T till now, thats in around 2 months. To simplify 2.5T per month.
    Now to strip this much off him, they would have taken off atleast 25T in these 2 months. Considering that allies held by the OSW folks go over priced, ZAFT and APOC both must have a lot of over priced ones by now. So, safely assuming that Chongo would have used 20T out of that 25T to strip ZAFT.
    That equals around 2 high-mid sized ZAFT getting fully stripped (means those folks who ZAFT wants to be able to hit Chongo). Assuming that a lot of such high-mid size folks are not nobbing (obviously they are not, you can see that none of the fully stripped guy in ZAFT and APOC have much in allies), and Chongo is nobbing (assuming he is a rich guy, who don't nob hard, but occassionally nobbing), Chongo would have made his 5T back via nobbing only...lets ignore the gold from hitting ZAFT in these 2 months of OSW.

    Conclusion: ZAFT claim that they want Chongo to be hittable by smaller Zafties is nothing but bs. They only want to get him out of #1 to have the psychological edge. And in this process they are letting a lot of their own clan members getting stripped.
  15. Bump - I'm bored. :mrgreen:
    Alts, lets begin the trolling :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Nice updates Phil, this do shows that you are trying to be impartial, despite some were bashing you and accusing you. A coin always have 2 sides, good and bad and peeps may not seen both sides. Likewise, for ZAFT UK, there's always rotten egg(s) in a basket and unhappy marriages in life. :D As for as I know, UK is still putting up a fight and still kicking ass. It's a team efforts not one man show. @ Unhappy wives, it's either that you stop your pillow fights and make up with your husbands or file a divorce instead of crying :lol: (By the way no zaft seems to bash you over negative reports, but whenever there's negative reports on apocalypse they come crying and bashed you on forum :lol: )

    @ shock
    I am so shocked, "Chongo is number one because he kicks ass he has the second most attacks in all of kaw" :lol: Are you sure he kicked ass to win 700K battle wins? :shock: I thought he's well known for kicking skeleton ass with crystals :lol: Battle wins is nothing, you can crystal your way there and same for allies strength, however, in wars battle wins stats doesn't help to defend you or to bring you more victory, but allies bonus. GoD_iLLeST got it right. I guess you better retire mr shock :mrgreen:

    @ devil
    You mean battle wins = experiences? Well, experiences on skeletons and spam crystals you mean? Good to know. By the way, Chongo is stripped way beyond 5T for your info, no doubt he can keep nobbing to cover up his losses, but are you sure he's catching all the strips and counter back at zaft? From what I heard, he's being stripped at different time of the day and sometimes more than once a day, are you telling me he's online 24/7? He has 3 players on his ass covering all timezones. *cough cough* Botting and sharing accounts are against TOU and could be banned :mrgreen: Is that what you are trying to tell me with your analysis? And can you also help mr chongo to predict/analysize how much pension cash he has to burn in order to recover losses?
  17. Dude, you are really butthurt :lol: :lol:
    24/7 would have meant he would have not lost anything.
    I never said he is catching strips (lol as if I would know that), but to take 5T off him with only 3 accounts on him, you have to put a lot on him. Commonsense? I know thats hard for you. Try harder, you may get it :lol: :lol:
    Btw, I heard you said that he is not hitting back those 3 big ones, probably thats why I see Cella "yelling" at different people who are hiring her allies.
    From Battle wins, I meant an indicator, not necesarily always true. Not necessarily wrong either.
  18. True, ZAFT is all over in forums, just not here in this thread. :lol:

    /sarcasm (putting it as its hard for you to understand)
  19. yawns apocalypse is everywhere. From day one, blaming laoda for not agreed to cf, from HOG 2 parents bears being banned, blaming dev for the bans and blaming zaft for reporting to zaft and dev have conspiracy of making zaft invincible from hits to Philosopher biased towards zaft :lol: Blame / accuse / assume, cool stories :lol:
  20. Totally agree on that. Those are good laughs :lol: :lol: :lol: