Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. @Speaker of 

    What the hell would you know about leadership you spineless rent boy.

    I was in Baghdad when you was in ya dads bag!! 

    And your post is LOL

    As for this thread its a FAIL the moment OP said hes biased towards ZAFT.
  2. Update. 1.4T strip of -mark-, in CR. not sure how much he lost.
  3. @spartan war machine

    Thanks for that well-thoughtful mature discussion you contributed. 

    I assume this thread would no longer be a fail if I suddenly decide to switch allegiance to Apoc?

    Personally, because I do have an oar in this fight, I didn't think I was the best one to make this thread. However people saw the Great War rage on the IG thread, while the best zaft/apoc could do was "zaft are a bunch of 12 year olds", and asked me to moderate this one as well. Despite stated biases ill try to be as impartial as I can. Hopefully both sides can be accepting of that.
  4. There is apparently much disappointment and anger over CanadianGal's alleged betrayal in this war.

    Here is a quotation from a zaft alliance member:

    She called a clannie asked if he was in war. Said no RL work made that impossible. She started to strip him the minute she knew he was off line. The clannie was not in one of our war clans.

    A real-life call to a clan member to confirm he was offline and therefore strip able? If true CG really plays hardball.
  5. @ Resilient_0ne

    The pure spy strategy has been tried before. It usually doesn't work for a couple of reasons. Pure spies don't have the gold to strip anyone. That significantly limits the damage they can do. All they can do is burn pots. And attack builds can make gold faster than spies can burn the pots. If they try to use outside banks to fund strips, those banks quickly get located and stripped themselves.
    It's basically an annoyance strategy. It may work against lessor clans. It won't work against ZAFT. Besides, ZAFT has plenty of spies of their own. They can pin the really active ones.

    @Sparky War Machine

    So you went to Baghdad. Custer went to Montana. How'd that work out for him? Lemme give you a tip Sparky. Going to Baghdad doesn't make you a leader any more than going to a hospital makes you a doctor or going to church makes you a Christian. The fact that you made such a stupid comment in the first place shows you don't have a clue.
  6. For once I agree with Speaker about pure spies.
  7. @of

    I dont care for forums tbh so ill leave you to post your shite. Never been one for war of the words. Its bloody pointless. Fighting done in the news

    What gets me is why is they so much need to post such crap... It is ment to be a War game. Yet i see the same needy alts trying to play the hero in forums.

    Get a life
  8. "get a life" card just lost 
  9. I don't know where you got that tidbit from philosopher but it's completely wrong. The only FAITH strip I contributed to was that of Qwara, someone that I don't know all that well. I can assure you that I have never spoken to him in real life before. If a FAITH member was stripped after telling me they were offline it was pure coincidence - I wouldn't do that to a friend.

    Like I said earlier, talk to me if you question my actions. That's what a true friend does.
  10. @DaBomb

    Because 24/7 pins on ZAFT side can't be looked at as botting either?
  11. Update correction. The -mark- strip was a 2t strip and 1.4 t was successfully taken.
  12. @IGCB

    The devs seem pretty sure about botting all the time, but the cambji episode showed they can be wrong.
  13. I'm sure that if Zaft survives or wins, they will make or revive 2-5 Clans
  14. Same in iProphs case too. But he threatened with legal action. Did Cam do that as well? If so, then maybe threatening with a lawsuit is the only way...
  15. Cambji was banned only one day, but was stripped anywhere from 16t to 30t depending on who you talk to.
  16. @phil 30 is too much. It was 20 or less than that
  17. I'm not being rude. I like most people at apocalypse these days, but what kind of idiot compares going to Baghdad with a persons ability to play an iPhone app, now also on android? I've been to the country to visit a friends farm. Does that make me a better farmer?
  18. Sigh..... Its a lighthearted saying....

    I guess humour in KAW is redundant these days...