Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Phil please stop. You've made yourself look like a desparate child and I'm embarassed for you. Apocalypse doesn't have to prove anything. With your biased postings, you're only insulting the intelligence of the general population of KaW. You're assuming they don't have the brain capacity to search for themselves what the truths in this war are. Maybe there are some out there who are as mentally helpless as a sheep, but I know that's not true of the whole KaW community.
    I've had my say and I know you got my message. So with that, I'm going to leave you to feed the vultures. Just be careful that you don't become the weakling of the species.

    Spew on, spewer :roll:
  2. Hey guys n gals I really care less who wins or loses, but yeah I'm enjoying the propaganda good read phil . Only point I think is missing here is how the leaders are running their sides ... Running their mouths ? Running scared ? Real leader should be at the front leading the battle that's where this osw will be won or lost .. I'm sure y'all can form ur own conclusions ..I know I have ... Give me a hell yeah peeps n kick each others ass 
  3. @ messenger

    If you don't like it, don't read it. Believe it or not, I was asked to make this thread. Apparently there are people in Kaw that disagree with your assessment of me.
  4. The KotFE statement is hilarious. kotfe- assassins hasn't had a specific ZAFT clan assigned to hit them the entire war. They may be hitting UL, but UL is only returning hits. UL has another clan they've be assigned to hit. And by all means, please list all those "big runners" kotfe- assassins has forced.

    Apocalypse strip totals are a joke. They list the amount they hired, then add in the amount of pots they think they burned too. Even then they can't do the math right. Broccoli, also rumored to be Nightmare's alt, says he stopped counting 9 days ago but the truth is everyone was laughing at his poor addition skills.

    The fact is, Apocalypse is running out of strip funds. That's why their members can be found at the store on a 3rd party app looking for banks to purchase. On the other hand, ZAFT has more than enough funds to strip the entire Apocalypse alliance naked. And they're in the process of doing it.

    Apocalypse is also running out of bodies. Their spy clan Shadow had over 30 spies once. They have 4 now. They went to fill rosters in various Apocalypse clans. Fury is down to 36 mostly inactives. The active ones went to HoG with Lady Leatherneck. CanadianGal (also known now as CanadianBacon) also went to HoG.

    Speaking of CanadianBacon, people having seen her bizarre rants on world chat regarding Laoda's private parts are wondering if she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown. That, and how long the Devs plan to allow their representative to go on using her ATA provided unlimited speakers to post inappropriate rants on world chat.

    Lastly, we're all still waiting on Weezy to post his screen shots of the ENTIRE conversation regarding how the war began. His last excuse that he does things when he's ready doesn't hunt anymore. It's been weeks now Wheezy. Post them already. Or are you afraid of your alliance finding out they're getting pounded all because of SE's stupidity and poor leadership?
  5. And nobody cares what he says as usual 
  6. Is war reporter on this thread?
  7. Speaker of BS is more like it
  8. You make it sound like I've been talking about his private parts for ages. I can assure you that that is not the case. In fact, here are the comments I've posted in regards to ZAFT:

    Roses are red, violets are blue, ZAFT are all cowards, and they all smell like poo

    Roses are red, violets are blue, -Dom- is an asshat, and butt ugly too

    Roses are red, violets are blue, ZAFT are all babies, and smell like poo too

    You're referring to one comment I made regarding Laoda's private parts and it was, in fact, inappropriate. I apologize to Laoda if it hurt his feelings, it was all in good fun! And I can assure you that I am in perfect mental health and ready for this battle to last, but a girl has to have her fun!

    With the exception of my one inappropriate post, I have done nothing but poke fun at ZAFT with the five free speakers that I receive along with the rest of KAW.

    PS: I have not "merged" into HOG, I am merely visiting some friends for a short bit. I still am, and will remain, an MG member - and I will gladly return to them shortly to continue kicking ass 
  9. As the OP stated its in his best interest for zaft to win.... And thus this thread has turned into that a zaft thread.... Get a life Phil u aren't even in the war and are definitely not impartial
  10. Update

    It appears True Spartan Reborn. Members all moved to True Spartans now , possibly to shore up that clan.
  11. @ Phil, I always respected and valued your thread as independent and informative, adhering to the best possible truth.
    Now I'm saddened to see that you have lost your forum integrity as someone biased and totally one sided towards ZAFT.
    You even made it clear that you're backing ZAFT out of fear. Then my friend you have lost your ability to be a respectable reporter.

    @CG, As far as I was concerned and I'm sure many in KaW community are also wondering is what on earth are you doing in Monster Garage?! I mean you always been associated with ZAFT through Faith! To have been turned against your long term family and warring for a clan you barely know and poking fun at the people who loved you once surely makes you the most foolish girl in KaW.

    As for me, I always wanted to see this osw between Apocalyse vs ZAFT and I cannot believe its happening. Keep up the good work boys and girls on both sides of the warring families.

    Let us the spectators enjoy.....
  12. Hate to stick my two cents in where it doesn't really matter but, so yes zaft has the money, maybe they strip every apoc member dry, could happen, but then what? Are all the apoc clans just gonna roll over and quit? More like they will no longer have anything to lose, many will turn pure spy, they will sleep peacefully at night, no need to keep themselves pinned...and then zaft is left with a few hundred potless spies burning their pots daily till they get over the anger from being stripped?
    Seen this happen to how many clans now?

    Everyone focused on the strips and the gold but that's only a small part of the war.....once the stripping is over and one side is left with nothing to lose is when you find out who goes the distance

    Again just a thought. War could end tomorrow for all I know.
  13. I remained a member of MG and decided to help them fight ZAFT because I have always been, and will always remain, loyal to the clan I'm in - this applies to MG now like it did to ZAFT and FAITH in the past.

    I chose to fight because I knew there would be plenty of targets for me to hit that weren't friends - the faces in ZAFT have changed a lot since I've been there. The people who truly loved me and know me, know that this is not personal for me. They also understand that my poking fun at them is not meant to be insulting - it is my way of being playful. I have not hit a single good friend unless they hit me first and I don't intend to start.

    I still love and respect many people in both ZAFT and FAITH, and if this war has taught me anything, it's that I will learn who my true friends are through this conflict. I hope that those who are friends and who question my behavior will talk to me instead of listening to rumors and hearsay. If they don't, then they were never really friends at all.
  14. Laoda is a jerk,Sarcbat asked for a cf and he made sarc post bunch of crap on Laodas wall
  15. I though u quit being mod :?
  16. This will be a long interesting war of the immovable force versus the immobile object, but looking at the LB, and how long this war goes, the worse it looks for Zaft, with so many LB clans, they aren't getting a submission pin from Apoc. the longer it goes, the more it favors Apoc, as they are the smaller side of this, and Laoda mentioned on his wall at one point the player count was "even" if you count for example, (As I don't know the player totals for both sides, and wouldn't put the effort into it anyway) 300 HLBC players, versus 150 HLBC and the rest somewhere in between even, that would be like Putting Mike Tyson in the ring with someguy that pulled off of the street, and call it even...LOL !
    I'd lay my pitiful amount of gold on a stalemate, I don't see either side winning this war
    And I have to say how amusing this thread is, and all the fighting and bickering going on, makes for a fun read.

    The big winner here... The Devs
  17. To all of you bashing Phil, claiming he's one sided:

    He admitted that he is slightly biased towards ZAFT to preempt your comments pertaining to his one-sided reporting. What's more, he only reports what he is told. If an Apoc member PM's him with his or her side, then Phil will post it.
  18. from what i can see, and what ive been told, which is not much. ZAFT is crushing the apoc or what ever they are called. WOG, HOG, whats all that about. should be a BOG in there. sorry just been informed, thats WOG. i wonder how many more cheats WILL be found and banned. Its all in good fun, apart from the cheats, shame on YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  19. @ Terminator

    Well, I told iG/LR that I didnt have a stake in that war (which I dont) and no one believed me. If I were to say the same here, I would probably have the same result. So instead of starting out writing a history, which everyone would call biased, I just put out some questions, admitted my stake in this war, and let the discussion carry on it own. My second post is clearly labeled this is how zaft sees this war going. If Apoc wants to post a retalitory statement, Im all for that and will post it at the beginning of the thread as well.
  20. Gold is not Static it's generated. 