Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Well, Faith has been hitting mostly HoG, but reports most of their inc is from MG. Zaft is of course also focusing a lot on MG.
  2. @Yafi barcode  :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Is it me or did that guy's post disappear 

  4. 2015 Will have a Little Bit of Yafi and a whole lot of Judgment ;)

  5. The post is back  lol

  6. Yes? :twisted:
  7. Isnt second echelon and echelons finest sort of attached to zaft if so why arnt they helping?
  8. Why yes I would love too :lol:
  9. Okay, here is a description of the war as how it is progressing. Remember this is written by a player who has freely admitted that he has a vested interest in having Zaft win. If Apoc has any dispute of this version, please feel free to post it.

    This war started because two clans began attacking a single Zaft member over a SE-tag. At first Apoc hit really hard. They seem to be concentrating on smaller Zaft members in hopes of cutting the support out from under Zaft. The strategy backfired, however, Zaft hit back and hit back hard. Those who could be stripped were quickly stripped and those who still had allies quickly built tower builds. The Apoc clans are now a shell of their former selves. Even MG only really has 14 active members left. Apoc also seems to have exhausted their banks, because the only time now they perform is strip is when they got a bit of funds from a failed Zaft strip.

    Zaft has been approached three times for a CF. Zaft has turned down all mutual CF, as they are happy to keep on hitting and stripping away. Zaft has no intention to CF but would like to continue fighting for at least a year. Ya_judgment_fi warred Zaft for about a year, and Zaft would like to see Apoc hold out for at least that long. Zaft might accept a surrender on the conditions that the clans SE, Apoc, and TS are dissolved.

    As for Chongo, Redstar and Laoda are hitting and stripping him slowly but surely. A one time huge strip is out of the question, because if it failed it would give Chongo huge funds to strip back. Still, an estimated 15 T has been taken from Chongo. The goal is to cut him down in size to the point where other Zaft members can begin to hit him as well. Chongo is mostly fighting from pin and is hitting not Redstar or Laoda, but Zaft kingdoms ranked 150-200 on the leaderboard.

    In short, Zaft has the war well in hand and are enjoying themselves, their biggest hope is for Apoc to stay relevant long enough to stretch the war out to over a year.
  10. Lol only slightly bias
  11. The second post on this thread has been revised to present Zaft's assesment of the war. Please read.
  12. @ Phil - First of all, I'd like to see your point of view, but I can't fit my head that far up your ass.

    I am a former Apoc member who reset. One of my weaknesses was lurking the forums. I still do, via google. I thought it would be fun to creat a statless account and come and stir you up.
    I'd like to touch on a couple points that have been made in this thread. For starters Phil, I find your bias repulsive.
    Someone mentioned that Apoc is just a shell of what they once were. That may be partially true, but while you're spewing about Apocalypse, you neglected to point out how many NEW tower and hansel builds are now scattered widely around ZAFT clans. You also continue to neglect mentioning the runners who have posted out on Apocalypse leaders walls. You seem to believe NOBODY can investigate on their own, that they NEED to read your crap on a regular basis..?
    On to the subject of botting that was brought up in this thread. I don't know for a fact what the situation was regarding MB and PB, but I sure as hell know I spend DAYS trying to hit a number of ZAFT players who were pinned 24/7. Hmmmm??? Only ZAFT lovers cried about Apocalypse members "botting", but who cried about ZAFT botting?? NOT APOC, they held their tongues and stayed classy (something you know nothing about it seems).
    It doesn't matter who wins this war. What I believe should matter at the end is the ties that bind. Apocalypse will not dissolve over ZAFT. Keep wishing and spewing. At least I have something to laugh at over coffee every day!

    P.S. Don't bother trying to kill the messenger...I'm pretty good at doing that on my own ;)
  13. Stayed classy? I dont know what your drinking but cheating isn't classy.
  14. Also add that MG has lost thier subclan MG II and most of FURY have merged into HoG.
  15. Let's clear this up once and for all:

    Cheating isn't classy.
    Ignoring the fact that people are cheating isn't classy.
    Reporting suspected cheaters to ATA does not affect how classy you are.
    Cheaters should have no respect from the KaW community.

    If you suspect someone of cheating, either from your own clan or anyone else's, please report it to ATA. ATA will then investigate, the only people who have anything to fear from ATA investigating are those who are cheating the rest of the KaW community.
  16. @-messenger-
    As for phil's post he has made it clear from the start of this topic that he is bias towards Zaft, most of his information will be coming from that side of the war, I doubt you posting a hostile worded post will stir him up at all.

    Phil is just posting facts, one sided facts I agree but your post isn't really giving any counter facts.
  17. For what phil claims, I would hope everyone holds how zaft deals with things normally in mind..

    Use your own knowledge, and you can check the clans.. I tell you.. There is no clear winner, if there is a winner.. 

    I suggest though, don't listen to any of the personal stories about how/why/who/when. According to everyone.. There's a different story, I think 10 different zaft members have told me something different..
  18. Hog îs the only one standing it seems like