Apoc vs Zaft War Discussion: March 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Yeah usually I wouldn't but having to listen to you crap I couldn't help myself. You wouldn't know what honour is if it bit you on the ass mate. I don't need to say anything Com I fight for my family I'll never leave them. Zaft the only family I been in that have looked after my account when strips were made and I couldn't get on because of RL issues because them I lost nothing.
  2. As for facts we know this war is hard and we respect our opponents
  3. Completely different strategies, you can be good at Swar but not OSW and vice versa
  4. Someone please remove Com3ly; Listening to him is so painfull
  5. I just find it funny that people see Laoda' wall and are like "WHOA! SO MANY CFERS!". Then they assume ZAFT has none or very little, when both sides know there are a decent amount from both.

    A second thing I find funny is people hear "ZAFT" and assume war clan, day one. Yet there's probably more than 50% are less than 8 months in the ZAFT family. People think APOC is brand new, yet 3 of the clans have been family for a long long time. Couple years at least.

    Long story short...

    Both sides have a decent amount of runners.
    Both sides have been a family for awhile (reference above for APOC).
    This war probably won't end until mid year, at least,
  6. What's with all the fuss? A good read, however, I must say! On the other hand, do you think apoc or zaft will give up their pride? The war will go down as most of the other huge one's have, in a mutual cf. forget the chance that a mutual cf doesn't happen, and then how will yours sure who did better during the war? That is where our good ol' op comes in! You would have to look at strip numbers, and number of runners. I sincerely hope Phil reports the strips without any tip to a side, which I believe he will. Runners... Those are a little harder, but enough people would know when someone leaves, and after looking under a few rocks, you can piece some stuff together.

    In the off chance there isn't a mutual cf... Hmm I'd say apoc would burn first. Zaft has been around longer, and known to be the big bad clan for since 010's. loada, zuez, ect ect will not give way at all I bet. Apoc on the other hand won't either, however, which is why it will not happen. I think zaft will have a tad more resistance to try to preserve their history and name.
  7. @IGCB yes, but zaft had a more colorful past of warring as THE best (with IG and maybe another).
  8. Your point? Every great empire has fallen. Maybe APOC wants it to be ZAFTs turn. Like I said, it'll end in the coming months.
  9. Every great empire has fallen, yes, but you can not physically "kill" zaft, or apoc like in real life. Even potless, they can still continue to not loose pride, and gain strength and tip the top another way.
  10. Didn't lead with it...

    But coml3y cant help but slip an actually into every post. Lol
  11. @Grammer Pride doesn't help you much when you know there is no way you can beat your opponent.
  12. I actually really want Zaft to win this :lol: I don't know why but I Believe they will destroy apoc within the next 2-3months :D

    30Bill On Zaft :lol:
    Go Zaft
  13. The only winner will be the devs, with the amount of xtals and nobs being bought by both OSWs, the devs don't need to release more items or EB's to earn more cash.
  14. Whoever win this war will surely be the next KAW legend
  15. How about I open a can of worms here. How about the HoG botting issue? Two were caught but many others were suspect.
  16. I do agree with IGCB. Believe it or not, the face of Kaw does change. I 2010 it seemed tyr was the coolest place to be, along with IG and Zaft. In 2011 it seemed half of Kaw had an Os- tag. Zaft seems like a fortress now, but who knows what 2015 will bring?
  17. I've heard HoG 1-3 have been pinned for over a month. Is my source accurate? Any comments about this?
  18. If you know the mechanics well, you would also know that if you can not get onto your account, your clan mates can NOT help you from getting stripped, they can only slow it down.
  19. I also am hoping that we will see some data shown in forums, but I suspect that Phil knows any thing more about this war than what had already been posted in forums.
  20. Want to join ZAFT? :lol: :lol: