All of this is caused from 1 person told in a free game that he needs to change his name? Billions/Trillions lost? People stripped of all their allies for a name change? I hope you all are proud of yourselves!!!
Kriz its a war game. Warring over dumb things happens a lot in real life. Both Zaft and Apoc just want to flex their muscles and show who is strongest. It'll be a long bloody war, just live it out
you miss clans on both sides, nice forum, but everyone needs to stop with the post about zaft vs apoc. stay out of their business unless you want to be perm farm later by both clans. no one should talk about it until one side begs for a cf. with they said have a nice day, and dont forget to leave your ego at the door.
Both sides are having fun, Both sides boast strips, runners, cowards, losses, wins, pride, shame, honor and destruction!!! I would say that epitomizes OSW and Maybe a handful can ever claim they know many facts on BOTH sides. Which makes the rest of us all obsolete. For the record lb strength is only good or the few top players. The rest of the soldiers Who have put in more time than money and have only heart to lose are the ones who MAKE the OSW go round! And no true family clan for either side will just "drop out". All will fight to the end
I'm surprised kotfe is actually fighting this was I the old days they sat With their thumbs up their ass while everyone else was fighting :lol:
Sure, this only has "facts", but I don't see the point of making this thread?? Obviously both sides each have advantages, otherwise one would have won by now by over powering the others. And I'd hope that people actually know the majority of the clans on either side of the war.... Very pointless.
All info available from various clans involved: ZAFT STRIPS (source clan -00-) lIIl__l-B4bY-l7l-MickY-l__lIll The Hit Squad, stripped 2.5T hatf1eld The Hit Squad, stripped 2T EvLRod Monster Garage, stripped 150B (will get more next time) hatf1eld The Hit Squad, stripped 3T -_Ultimate_Killer_- Monster Garage, stripped 2.5T (naked) HighTidez True Spartans, stripped 500B aabi Monster Garage, stripped 2T phoenix515 Monster Garage, stripped 1.1T (naked) Gzus1675 Monster Garage, stripped 1.2T (naked) WirL The Hit Squad, stripped 1T D_E_A_D_L_Y Monster Garage, stripped 1.1T ___raid___ KotFE, stripped 320b NON-VAGITARIAN HoG, stripped 237B (naked) lIlI-Drake-lIlI HoG, stripped 1.5T -Hestia- Monster Garage, stripped 600b (full pot burn) WirL The Hit Squad, stripped 500b Scooby-Doo Monster Garage, stripped 150b (naked) lIIl__l-B4bY-l7l-MickY-l__lIll The Hit Squad, stripped 500b (naked) callmekaw Monster Garage, 100b (naked) slayerbob Monster Garage, 90b (naked) X_spart_x The Hit Squad, stripped 1.8T (full pot burn) 1000kva Monster Garage, stripped 1T Dealmein--SE Sparta Elite, stripped 150b sir_eric_da_beast HoG, stripped 500b CLINT----BAILEY HoG, stripped 2T Asjay-TS True Spartans, stripped 350b (naked, full pot burn) CanadianGal Monster Garage, stripped 600b Dino-Jr KotFE, stripped 1T Chongo_Hombre Monster Garage, stripped 4T (since start of war) X_Spart_X The Hit Squad, stripped 700b III_SARCBAT_III Monster Garage, stripped 1T _-_GOW_-_ Monster Garage, stripped 750b Xx_TwistedBlackRose_xX Monster Garage, stripped 700b golthar CRO, stripped 1.5T hatf1eld The Hit Squad, stripped 1.2T A-N-I-M-A-L Monster Garage, 3T XannesBulldog CRO, stripped 600b Sven-Pallav HoG, stripped 300b OMET0TCHTLIlII (Maya) HoG, stripped 900b phoenix515 Monster Garage, stripped 700b -Dominus- KotFE-A, stripped 1T kingjon14 HoG, stripped 1T Nash_Nash Monster Garage, stripped 600b Whazz Chaos Reborn, stripped 1.7T aabi Monster Garage, stripped 2.1T (full pot burn) jajab HoG, stripped 1.3T (naked) zorgul Monster Garage, 200b (naked) HiT_o0oKEELo0o_HiT Hit Squad, stripped 800b Achilles07 WoG, stripped 2T Java_puppet Monster Garage, stripped 600b -DA-BAKERNATOR- Monster Garage, stripped 100b (naked, full pot burn) -Hestia- Monster Garage, stripped 750b (naked, full pot burn) xX__IlIlIlLady_Leatherneck__Xx Fury, stripped 2.5T (full pot burn) Paul-zx8r WoG, stripped 2.4T xxx_3l6-MaCHiNE-GuN-PHeNoM_xxx KotFE, stripped 500b fleabites Monster Garage, stripped 900b SPLATZ The Hit Squad, stripped 1.4T hit__alm0zwang__hit The Hit Squad, 2.1Tb Firebird67 Chaos Reborn, stripped 1T BigBadDoug HoG, stripped 8.5T (full pot burn) Paratrooper True Spartans, stripped 1T (full pot burn) Vigrass The Hit Squad, stripped 700b lIlIl________Steve______lIllI 5.4T tessamelinda Monster Garage, stripped 3T (full pot burn jack-wolfskin True Spartans, stripped 400b (naked, full pot burn) Splatz The Hit Squad, stripped 1T (naked, rehired) 0_o-TT-o_0 Monster Garage, stripped 500b Dissenter Monster Garage, stripped 500b (naked) Xx_Alex-is-Awesome_xX Monster Garage, stripped 300b (naked) FuryofHell The Hit Squad, stripped 300b (naked) TheUnsuIIied Chaos Reborn, stripped 2T IIlII__________ROX_______IIIll CRO, stripped 3T lllllllPlumSakeJlllllll Chaos Reborn, stripped 800b (full pot burn) swerf Chaos Reborn, stripped 400b (naked, rehired) CmoneyUSAF Chaos Reborn, stripped 3T (naked, full pot burn) PorkProduct HoG, stripped 3T _-_GOW_-_ Monster Garage, stripped 500b Whazz Chaos Reborn, stripped 500b Apoc Strips (source clan Kotfe) Ghost ZAFT uk 8 tril ( ran from war ) Damned one ZAFT UL 7 tril 3nnui ZAFT UL 15 tril Cor-x ZAFT carnage 6 tril Uk--mrsblack-- ZAFT uk 1 tril Ice-fury ZAFT carnage 2.8 tril Lsutiger ZAFT carnage 2 tril DCV ZAFT carnage (BOTH ACCOUNTS) 6 tril _mrandyh_ ZAFT UL 2.2 tril SocAl-amaze ZAFT UL 1.8 tril Gchruss ZAFT UL 1.5 tril -fitz- zaft UL 2.0 tril S_k_u_l_L- ZAFT UK 2.5 tril Hzjx ZAFT UK 3 tril ___mightyReds___ ZAFT UK 1.6. Tril Lady aqua ZAFT UK 800b UK--brootis-- ZAFT UK 900b Simmo27 ZAFT UK 13 tril I hope this answers the questions about the strip count, yes, it does look a little one sided but the member from apoc the info was taken from said and i quote "I only count the good strips"