Because it's your sub clan. What r u guys on? I will not support any thread from ANY CLAN RECRUITING WHILE IN OSW. It is weak. U allow members to join n get trampled with no warning to them. Max-damages was banned for warning players. But I'm not scared. Its the right thing to do. Come get me first. Then recruit. ;0 Signed, shush*
If you gonna make comments like that. Back them up bbg xxx, 0 inc received into this clan from any of ur acnts
AoE, A Viking's funeral I've always been fond of AoE and my clan members are well aware of this. I used to embark on grand adventures within AoE and face incredible foes, however recently. It's become quite stale and our relationship has become distanced. I guess it's because of lack of enjoyment and satisfaction with what AoE has become, or perhaps it's simply seeing too much of one thing... This being AoE. Long story short, goodbye Age of Empires :lol: