anyone want help with their build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXIXx-GIE__Patriot__GIE-xXIXx, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. I have 44 lands. 25 LL. 19 HL = 44. Did you go to kindergarten?
  2. 5 hoarfrost, 25 lowland, 15 highland
    Do the math...............................

    Still can't add em?

    Here I'll do it for u, 45
  3. zorkay he has HF lands.....
  4. Yay, another smart person in here๎Ÿ
  5. Ok. 1 sec... Let me explore a 10 bill land. Pocket change. I'm not counting hoarfrost cause its cheap in the beginning. Just saying... Your build is **** compared to mine.
  6. Pppplease help me. Im making terrible plunderrrr what should.i do
  7. And if I wanted to I could buy more hoarfrost right now
  8. Get rid of all those towers, they're killing ur plunder
  9. There. How's that. 49 lands. Look at my achievements if you don't believe me.
  10. Wow... Cuz I care so much, if I cared I'd buy a bunch more lands
  11. No. You do care, but you can't buy more cause you don't have the money. Your build cost a crap ton more than mine... Mine doesn't even cost 100 bill total without lands.
  12. Zorkay, I don't give a crap about u having more lands than me, r we in 1st grade here?

    Secondly, ur build is cheap but weak, I could farm the crap out of u๎’
  13. It's totally weak. Totally.


    Seriously though. Why are you trying to give out advice if your build sucks?
  14. Explain to me how you can give build advice when your straight up classic eb useful build only?
  15. Lol, ur actually gonna stay a guild hansel?๎’ Man ur a moron
  16. That's Wat builds I'm giving advice for
  17. Lady... Who are you talking to?
  18. Everyone has their playing styles.. I don't see why all the name calling btw.. Gh is bad, for it's purposes. Even if they're a dime a dozen. (5mill cs in 2 months isn't much to brag about btw)