anyone my size want to 1vs1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *NUGGA (03), Oct 7, 2012.

  1. ^ We ARE awesome!!
  2. Son of a *****. I'm just going to stop using the ******* ^ all together. I always end up pointing at absolutely jack ****.
  3. If you truly wish to 1v1, a war clan wouldn't count it as farming, whether farming is allowed or not. A 1v1 is just that...1v1. If it doesn't affect the other members, there should be no problem.

    I've been in a number of 1v1, though I'm in the clan that wrote the book on "farming." Does that mean we don't know how to fight? Lol. Far from it.

    We don't start fights, we finish them. 

    ~joe_ Order of the Fox
  4. I'm already in 2 1v1 but I guess I could make some room for you...
  5. Alex I'll back you up remember, you cannot win alone. Unless your spragga, but u r not alone
  6. OP stop making excuses. If you really want to war all you have to do is hit the BL. You are just making yourself look like an idiot.
  7. I asked him , he's said no .
  8. This thread made a 7hr ago.thats when I felt like warring right now im busy I have a RL
  9. I will happily, however I fear I'm a bit too large for fairness' sake. If you still wanna, just start hitting and all will be good.