Haha and I remember you Kool there doesn't seem to be many who still play back at the beginning though :/
Well I consider myself old and I've been around since the beginning... I guess if you have been here for some big events or more than 2 years you are old?
First person that was actually active unlike venom to get the 5yr badge. Get at me ;D I miss iZaln, (i)Bastion, Kruger, and Blumpy (BLUMPAAAAAH) and all my FSU fam. Who remembers Daniya? She was beast! Oh and just noticed Colonial is back but on a new account, hopefully he gets access to his original acc again.
I haven't seen salon and bastion in ages! We always come back when each other aren't back I remember Daniya! And yea col has his account back there's so many though , like irisheddy and Corinthian! I would love to go back to when clans were on forums and IG and Foxes were the two bigs ones
Guess I'm old. I would really be old if I had started playing when I first downloaded game but waited til I was going thru chemo to start playing
Troll doesn't your mom still play we all know she old and she is for sure still around putting in work if u know what I mean (wink wink)