antibully fb unload

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. Saltyfeet bullied me. Help me 
  2. well defend yourself DIVosaurusRex .hit him back with your alts of Ossia and protean-frokie
  3. Did you even read?
  4. Oh hey look salty is back.
  5. Saltyfeet the biggest bully off all here to save the day your a farmer and a NOOB just go away or fill my news feed again with all your fails  loser
  6. Injustice. What a laugh.
    Heads up children, hitting accounts on a war game is now injustice, **** the reason why they are being farmed just concentrate on the fact the little account is being "bullied" by being farmed on a war game.
  7. Pretty sure this kid has called everyone's humour dry. Yet he thinks the same picture which he actually goes through the effort of editting it for every given purpose, is funny. And you can't exactly insult Allison's OSW career if you have none yourself.
  8. Who r u?
  9. Read op u idiot.
  10. Val u stalker. Ur so desperate for attention u follow me everywhere I go. Jeeeeez dude get a life
  11. I did...
    And it just made my head hurt to be honest...
  12. Support

  13. I just love u bruh
  14. Val's definitely a stalker. You didn't make a thread begging for attention or anything.

    /end sarcasm