antibully fb unload

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. I farmed all of his accounts. He reset the!m all. Twice. Lmao.
  2. Just sharap rikky. For reals man
  3. Dude youre like 4mil cs and you want to fight 12mil cs
  4. Classic notorious. He's a well known party pooper. He's hating on the exelent job mods do bcuz he got banned from forums for his mischief.
  5. You mean the extremely weak. Those under 400k CS. GL salty

  6. Actually, I wouldn't like to fight anyone but I'm not gonna turn a blind eye to injustice. So I'll fight abusive chumps anytime, anyhow.

  7. Just giving you a target
  8. Wut is diz!!!!!?

    A troll convention?
  10. Long live this guy
  11. OP dtw  7/7np

  12. What a badass!
  13. Hey if u ever want free seals, just farm saltyfeet. If you keep him pinned for like 2 days he drops a seal out his ass for you
  14. Did Daphnia really call out troll again? You really aren't bright - if we weren't busy with Zaft your Kawreer would be our CA
  15. Defamatory... have you even read the ToU / RoC?? I mean really, get it together.

    Note below: Troll calling out Daphnia, not the reverse. Read the whole thread Duna, not just what you wish to read..
  16. Is this muppet for real? I got your back salty. Oh my god what a moron. Go outside occasionally you idiot.
  17. Support

  18. You humorless Idiot your the one who wrote a really long butthurt thread explaining how some guy pounded your butt for a year or so. You further explain how you spent a boatload of money on SOD seals for who knows how long getting your so called revenge on this guy. Don't even think anyone knows who your referring to? Now you've dropped your build on that acct and your telling me to get outside? lol you are truly one if KAWs biggest pathetic dumbasses. 
  19. #toughguy
  20. Woah woah woah. Watch out guys we have a super badass over here.