antibully fb unload

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. Salty ur mah hero
  3. This
  4. #salty4dev
  5. Changed your build?0.0
  6. Funny funny guy this smellyfeet. I remember when I started out and having my inbox flooded by inc from him. Sadly for him he didn't know who I was and had him pinned in minutes. He ended up coming to the clan I was in and sealing for me as an apology. He only hit small players cause that's all he can hit.

    Fyi: his timezone is North or South Dakota

    Happy kawing
  7. Salty isn't a troll. Pls don't oppress him
  8. Guys if saltyfeet wants to battle bullification, let him.

    He has done his time for his crimes, and we should support his new direction.

    Support man. Great job.
  9. Git rekt
  10. I wasnt aware north/south dakota are timezones now
  11. A bully, who farms bullies, is still a bully.

    Farm yourself.
  12. ^^ With the broken hit ratio which does enable downwards-hitting, I think intentions like OPs are well-placed.

  13. Maybe he can help you daphnia
  14. No, I don't need it. I am too OP. Me vs 9 of your accts is hardly fair on you. :)
  15. op why you so salty brah?
  16. He can hit sneakbo

  17. I doubt that. All he did was fail on players lmao.
  18. Bahahaha
  19. U mad?
  20. I ain't afraid of a no lifer like u. I've seen ur work and I'm not impressed