antibully fb unload

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. Stupidity overload. KaW.exe has stopped responding.
  2. Of course bby  what would I do without you?
  3. i sense another "kaw wedding"
  4. U both vpcan always look the other way. Its more stupid u keep reading something that give u such a headache
  5. Me and Dragonite divorced
  6. But it's funny, anyway your kingdom looks nice, I see that your upgrading your cursed foundries ;)
  7. I tink wut ur doing iz very good for us all. U is a true inspiration salty
  8. you think op trolling is good for us all? explain.
  9. Salty no troll he stand up for little guys beat up by big guys. He takes beating for little guys
  10. are salty's new alt then?
  11. here's the thing about fail trolls. they think the can just "act" stupid and people can't see through them. you want to be less of a failure? stop intentionally spelling badly.
  12. No I liek failure life. Free monies from government for booze
  13. a alt iz az piersan dat can halp u teh sippurt urz poasts. itz besiclly a nathir accaunt

  14. I remember this name from years ago.. Coincidence or are you an old player?

  15. You go away. I know you. Don't ruin things
  16. Now you can spell
  17. I feel like I did something to someone a long time ago .-.
  18. Let me know who to farm Salty I'm ready
  19. Word thinks I'm trolling cuz he's used to looking the other way when he sees an injustice.well, I'm having none of that