antibully fb unload

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. I got your back Salty me with targets :D

  2. if you need me salty also just p/m me.
  3. I have no idea what to make of this gif :lol: I'm both amazed and mind ****** at the same time looking at this.
  4. Someone's gonna pay...
  5. Salty you don't have any spy buildings. How are you gonna run your trademark fail scout bombs?
  6. I saw fb in the title so i thought it was about facebook. The title makes so much more sense now that i've read the thread
  7. 
  8. That is exactly how notorious started falling in lobe with chubby. Soon troll will be an exact copy of notorious.
  9. Notorious is bullying me because i bought an ally
  10. Get outta here omar
  11. Op, how would you and your HTE Assassins () accomplish anything?
  12. I missed salty. Too bad he isn't salty.
  13. I'm a 1 man army.
  14. So i report a bully and you ignore? Thread fail to keep promise. You troll
  15. I don't eben no anybody in this clan but that won't stop me from achieving my goal of defending the weak
  16. Ur by far the biggest troll in this thread omar
  17. salty, your bullying my brain. I't can't take the stupidity…
  18. Inb4 Omar Reset
  19. Seth you will miss me? :/