Another New Haunting Idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WuZzi, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Support!!
  2. I like dat.
  3. Say clans just ff the eb to avoid the stalker? Should he be guaranteed to return on the next one if ff'd?
  4. Support
  5. Yeah, the Dynamic part was born from ur idea, on the Live Action EB post. XD
  6. Yes, The Stalker will return again sometime, if they FF it, they loose a chance of bonus plunder.
  7. Support! I like it
  8. Support, I think thisll make players like haunting more then just the gold
  9. Sounds good, support!!!
  10. Think about this, if you fail killing this "stalker" but unloaded for example, 3 times. Does that go to waste?
  11. This will never be implemented.
  12. Support make sure to email this thread to the devs
  13. But full support
  14. I say awesome idea.
    School kid says awesome idea
    Housewife says awesome idea
    High flying exec says awesome idea
    Bill the baker says awesome idea
    Local prostitute says if that idea had a dick I'd suck it 
  15. I like this idea and support.