Another innocent teen gunned down.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ____Demon____, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. Wow hers a thought quit dealing drugs.quit robbing ppl.quit rapiing kids.quit robbing killing ppl and lets all hold hands and sing ku'mbaya and i will gladly lay down my arms til then i will defend my family my friends my neighbor my fellow man/woman and my country
  2. Another frivolous lawsuit for a large amount of money you didn't earn and don't deserve. Just another reason our country is a joke in legal matters. Sure you had to go through the steps of following up a report to the police, but they did their job and you went about your way with nothing more to it. Go earn your savings like most every other honest hardworking person does
  3. It's a justifiable lawsuit. He was assaulted over a false crime report.

    I could maybe understand all 7 officers treating him that way if that "knife" was visible to them and they made a mistake. But it wasn't.

    I have to wonder how you can mistake a nail clipper for a knife in the first place lol.
  4. Why are people of color in that area of the US so dumb
  5. For a reputable person, they could get fired over it and have their reputation messed up because the police made a mistake. They used excessive force on an innocent person.

    The police would jail you for years if you assaulted one of them. The citizens can charge the police for assault/excessive force as well.
  6. Please cite your source to prove that statement true.
  7. I don't need a source kiddo. I can tell from what I observe.
  8. Then tell me your observations.
  9. Their reactions to all the situations. Their use of violence to try to fight fire with fire. Just everything they do to go about trying to get their opinion across that these murders are allegedly racist hate crimes.
  10. For some reason when I read "injuries he sustained while running away" I pictures the scene in jackass when all the midgets were chasing Preston Lacey.

    Except Preston Lacey was a fat cop and the midgets were wearing bandanas like Tupac and struggling to keep their pants up while they ran. 
  11. To me this has nothin to do with bein a cop. As a soon to be conceal carry holder, if some thug came up pointing a gun at me I would definitely shoot them. Kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest. Justice for the innocent. Natural selection. 
  12. Simple dont point guns at police.
  13. Black people pull the racist card whenever slightly possible
  14. true to a grand extent trojan. however there is a reason for it. When is the last time someone was comvicted for killimg a black child? I'll wait
  15. I do agree that in some situations other things can be done before pulling a gun and shooting someone, police have tazers and OC spray for a reason.

    But if someone came up on me brandishing a gun and I also had a gun, I would happily unload a clip or 2 in him. At the end of the day its them or me and I pick me everytime.

    At other times there are options that can be attempted first.
  16. Same here man. however 9/10 from what ive read lately, the victim was unarmed. Aim for the foot damn it. Even if he/she will be injured, life trumps death everytime.
  17. Do you see a white kid on the news for getting shot? Oh no because it's not a black kid so nobody cares. As soon as a retarded ass Black kid gets shot it's ww3 because he's black and got shot for being a dumbshit.
  18. Before I begin, I'm gonna do lots of stereotypes. I don't mean to say everyone is one thing or another, but just to simplify things.

    I blame a failed educational system for it. Education isn't meant to just teach you academics, it is to prepare you with knowledge for life. The people clearly feel oppressed or have been oppressed at one time or have something telling them they're being oppressed. The system should be able to prevent all this from happening. I'll apply some stereotypes now to explain what I think's happening.

    To blame whites:
    The white people in the South USA are ignorant Evangelical conservatives who don't value education that much. Lack of education spreads ignorance so improper social reforms are in place. An example of this would be calling pizza and french fries vegetables and saying that abstinence is the only thing they should teach in sex Ed.

    They think parents should be able to do everything on their own. Parents can take care of their own kids, but in families affected by drugs or alcohol this is hard. It's harder for the poor to live in a world catering to the rich, so they suffer. The poor would be the blacks.

    To blame the blacks instead:
    There is also rappers who say "F da popo" and rap about how blacks are being oppressed. Obviously this would spread in the black community and make people feel they are being oppressed. Due to poverty and the fact that only those who can afford it can get an education in the USA, there's less well-educated black people in the USA per capita. This means radical ideas such as illuminati are more prominent.

    In short - USA's poor domestic policies and ignorance to issues/research are causing these troubles. There needs to be more power given to experts within the education system. Clearly the current one is not working.
  19. Education changes situations. Thank God opression isnt as bad as it was in the 50's. That's why days such as MLK day is important to my heritage