LOL you have to be a troll. Robocop? I laughed pretty good at that. "WHAT ABOUT ROBOCOP?!" You should go march in the protests with that sign. You'd fit right in with the rest of the morons.
Strategy don't be ignorant. If you disobey a cop, no that doesn't justify being killed, nor does that EVER happen except for a rare occurrence. You speak as if it happens daily and for that, slap yourself. If you are going to put a cops life in danger, then yes. The cop deserves to do whatever he/she needs to to protect themselves, just like any other normal human being does. Because he/she is a cop means nothing. He/she is a regular human whose life is being threatened. I don't know about you, but if someone is going to threaten my life I'm not going to sit there. Man I don't understand ignorant people nor their thought process.
How about "don't be a criminal". Then police would leave you alone. That's my advice to you non-conformists. How about a 400 pound man could have just went peacefully, and it wouldn't have disrupted his heart. I fully agree the chokehold and takedown it what likely caused his heart attack, but what were the officers to do? "Just leave him alone, bro." No. He resisted arrest and brought that on himself. Not the fault of the arresting officers,
Notice - I'm only commenting about the Eric Garner case because that was an injustice. The other two, I don't know about. This one in particular: If he did pull a gun on an officer, he needed to be shot. Is his death a good thing? No it's not.
Their is a chance of getting kicked punched taserd pepper sprayed in the process. Why is it so hard to follow a p/o orders?? If you think your rights were violated fine follow orders and talk to a lawyer after. Yet most people see it as an opportunity to act even more stupid testing p/o when given an order. Want to be stupid fine suffer the consequences
You misinterpret me. Eric Garner should have been arrested. It's just, the way they arrested the unarmed and obese man, was wrong. The officer, who used a move banned by the NYPD, should have been indicted. Because, had the officer not used it, Eric would still be alive. In jail, but, alive. If the police departments of the United States of America are unable to take down perpetrators with the equipment and regulations already in place, then we have failed somewhere along the line. And we need to trace our steps.
So say a three year old was walking down the street, found a gun, pointed at a cop. He deserves to be shot? He should've been ordered to drop the gun, but if he did not comply and the officer felt he was seriously in fear of his life, then yes the person should've been shot.
USA cops should come and learn from European cops !! European can at least teach them that life matters and teach them what is a dangerous situation and what not tragic year for America !! Police in USA is acting like it's a Stalin state.