Hydra One, I'm not your son, I'm far to old and I'd be damned ashamed if I was! Two, you are still talking about the police force as if they are aliens or something. THEY ARE MADE UP OF OUR OWN FAMILIES NOT SOME GOVERNMENT EGG FARM. I use they fact they are human because they should be humanized, not disassociated from our society like they have the plague. They don't go back to where they came from when they clock out, they go next door, they go down the road, they kiss their kids and spouse, they share a drink with the guys at the bar, THEY are US!! "But what about the woman an off duty cop fist fought?" Disputes happen all the time amongst people, both women and men. Why is the fact a police officer did this so shockingly different than the local drunk who did it last week? THEY are US! Was it right? **** no. But it happens both in and outside the law. He should be punished for his actions. End of that story. No one is infallible and same goes for our own government institutions composed of our own civilians. There will never be an agency made of perfect leaders or justices. The best we can hope for is a minimal % of the bad vs the good. In the end it's us that raise the next generations of leaders and police. Remember that DAD
Is that all you have. Police rhetoric. Guess what. Police are getting cameras. Guess what else. Police militarization issue are coming up in congress. As a officer it is a privilege to enforce the law. A privilege that needs respected with professionalism. If a officer can not maintain professionalism in their career they have no business being police. Bad days good day. As a officer there is no excuse for abusing a citizen. No excuse.
After a friendly suggestion, I analyzed the original post closer and see that the suggestion that the teen was "innocent" was not serious.
No one thinks cops are aliens. At this point most just look at you like assholes. Get pulled over for speeding a little. Asshole cop. Get pulled over for running stop sign. Asshole cop. Your cousin gets sprayed with mace. Asshole cop. Your niece gets tazed. Asshole cop. That's what they say. Black white whatever. The pedestal for police has long disappeared. Trying to re-establish it will be counter productive. Especially when you try to make excuses for police brutality. But please go on. Tell us all how we treat you like alien. I think it's more like assholes.
I used alien to represent how you make police sound bud. You make it sound as if they are their own special race. Like they aren't our sons and daughters, like they have some sort of supreme standards which the rest of us lack. That is why the analogy. I'll stop debating. It's obvious you have some sort of personal hate toward police for whatever they did to you or your friend or family. Just keep in mind if 10 officers out of 100 uses brutality and steps out of line it automatically makes the other 90% look bad, and you are twisting that gross misrepresentation of facts to favor your argument. It's not a fair battle when that is the case so it is self defeating. Thank you to all our armed sons and daughters of the military and police who even during the roughest of times, seven days a week, keep us safer than we would be without you!!! Merry Christmas and God bless Front out
Cops. One of the only lines of work an individual will make out to be the enemy and hate, then call upon the second the need arises. Get the **** off your moral high horses and open your eyes. Are people still racist? Yes. Is every goddam white cop in America? **** no. ******* black people (99% of you arent African so idc about your so called "polite" way of saying it) are the ones pulling the race card EVERY day. Hey did you hear about the black cop who shot a white kid less than 2hrs ago in Arizona. Nope but every damn person in this century knows Michael Brown. Media thrives off making a story out of nothing. Im not saying racism doesnt exist but this singling out of "white on black crime" is utter bs. Xtreme I love ya bro but shut it. This thread is reeking of ignorance and begging for attention.
Yeah it'll be alright. No one around where I'm living even talks about this stuff. If they do it's online. I test em too. Matter of fact I have a fairly liberal aunt and uncle. I told them I was going to start protest in their town. They said I'll get ran over if I do. Hey Front...being part of the military doesn't make you special either. It's a job. Nothing more. At least that's how real military feel. It's not a crutch for your political views.
Yeah I'm a glutton for punishment It's a job nothing more? Not special? Tell that to thousands that died for a cause greater than themselves. Or the thousands more parents who had to bury their kids because of the selfless courage they showed in their "job". You know, the one that keeps this country safe. I know, I know, selfish bigots like yourself believe no one but yourself keeps you snug at night. It's ok, they will still be there for you while you sleep and put it on the line when you need them to bud. Even if you hate them, they will do their Job! What do you do for a living? You ever had to worry about a 10 year old kid with a bomb strapped to his ass in your profession? What have you ever risked for more than yourself? The men and women who see it as just a job have Honor and Valor. And they stand with courage in the face of horror for those who cannot. I know your type all to well and I feel sorrow for you. You are part of the problem, not the solution. Go get a hug and have a beer. Smile, it's Christmas. (Nothing I have said has been political. It is all in the defense of that larger percentage of those who make life a little safer for us regardless of the naive and hate)
If someone ambushed a police officer in the same area that weeks before they already ambushed one another police officer and that police killed the thug and you aim a gun at policemen of same town just days later, you're dead. Thats common sense.
@Layla the DHS is the department of homeland security. The had put many conservative groups on their watch list. They were using YWCA's and other community centers for launching pads to teach the constitution. I guess that was a threat somehow. The part of the country which this was occurring is mostly "ethnic" German. Across the north. So of courses white people of German decent where the bulk of the people. It was the demographics. Mr. Hannity from Fox News game was lucky enough to garner their attention. Likely do to his right wing militia ties. One thing about Ferguson. Every fringe group out there was showing up. Black militants. New Black Panthers. ISIS recruiter supposedly. Hamas/Palestinians. White "extremist". Oath keepers. I imagine the intel gathered is enormous. They even had communist coming in to speak. Are any of these people a threat society. I doubt it, but I'm sure someone knows for sure now. Don't under estimate the power of the media in pushing agendas. In doing what some call "psyops". Testing, probing, looking. Everyone is under the microscope. Including the police. Including us.
Front don't waste your time replying to hydra anymore bro. His ignorance is just baffling. I imagine him as part of that one baptist church that protests at the funerals of fallen soldiers. A complete idiot.
What Are Policemen Made Of? By Paul Harvey A Policeman is a composite of what all men are, mingling of a saint and sinner, dust and deity. Gulled statistics wave the fan over the stinkers, underscore instances of dishonesty and brutality because they are "new". What they really mean is that they are exceptional, unusual, not commonplace. Buried under the frost is the fact: Less than one-half of one percent of policemen misfit the uniform. That's a better average than you'd find among clergy! What is a policeman made of? He, of all men, is once the most needed and the most unwanted. He's a strangely nameless creature who is "sir" to his face and "fuzz" to his back He must be such a diplomat that he can settle differences between individuals so that each will think he won. But...If the policeman is neat, he's conceited; if he's careless, he's a bum. If he's pleasant, he's flirting;if not, he's a grouch. He must make an instant decision which would require months for a lawyer to make. But...If he hurries, he's careless; if he's deliberate, he's lazy. He must be first to an accident and infallible with his diagnosis. He must be able to start breathing, stop bleeding, tie splints and, above all, be sure the victim goes home without a limp. Or expect to be sued. The police officer must know every gun, draw on the run, and hit where it doesn't hurt.He must be able to whip two men twice his size and half his age without damaging his uniform and without being "brutal". If you hit him, he's a coward. If he hits you, he's a bully. A policeman must know everything-and not tell. He must know where all the sin is and not partake. A policeman must, from a single strand of hair, be able to describe the crime, the weapon and the criminal- and tell you where the criminal is hiding. But...If he catches the criminal, he's lucky; if he doesn't, he's a dunce. If he gets promoted, he has political pull; if he doesn't, he's a dullard. The policeman must chase a bum lead to a dead-end, stake out ten nights to tag one witness who saw it happen-but refused to remember. The policeman must be a minister, a social worker, a diplomat, a tough guy and a gentleman. And, of course, he'd have to be genius....For he will have to feed a family on a policeman's salary.
That is by far the best post of the thread and I sincerely thank you for the read. I never heard or read it before. I just hope everyone who browses the thread gets to read it, for there is nothing coated about it. Anyone who has an officer in the family or has one as a friend could likely tell you this describes most of our force to a T!! Cheers