Animal Wars!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by n8n8, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Team Lions, Team Tigers, Team Eagles, Team Monkeys
  2. Team PussyCat
  3. @funny
    Team caterpillars
    Team zebras
    Team dead zebras jus been eaten by lions
    Team extraterrestrials. E.t go home
  4. NOOO (Ceasar voice from planet of the apes)
  5. That's it Team Apes instead of Team Monkeys
  6. I'll run Team Apes if it dosent work I'll keep clan under my "brothers" account
  7. 5th team if we make team Centaurs
  8. Then we have 6, I'm only making team eagles get that through your head now
  9. Aren't day half man half donkey
  10. Ooh Minotaur, they are half horse
  11. Yep can we have team Dragons ,
  12. Team noobs an team trolls FTW!!!
  13. But I'm only founding eagles
  14. I'll b I'n team Noobs ,
  15. Their my number 1 animal, go noobs
  16. Noobs is not gonna be a team, unless it's not affiliated with these wars
  17. Team Dolphin! I will be the only combatant. My clan is -