Android or Apple? Android DUH!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by fluffypanda, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. How can i watch if im in a bus with no wofi amd limited 3g?! For android all you have to do is to press download and it gets downloaded, butbidk what mibo jumbo you have to do with apple
  2. Android has worse games and worse layouts but is far faster and has more capabilities. Gaming goes to apple work goes to android
  3. Apple took the win was a great war with good friends new and old on both sides.
  4. Great war, good times
    Respect to all warriors
  5. Law is better on ios
  6. GREAT THREAD BUGS!!!....... FUN little war family rock n dbad GET YOUR WEIGHT UP LADYS
  7. Oh no... Now people are going to compare specifications and stuff... The problem is though, there's many types of androids, and apple only has the iPhone/iPod/iPad series.
  8. The quantity is larger though, since you can download games from other app stores like the Amazon app store or the internet
  9. Lmao punchy we working on it
  10. Now that's a good argument, its logical, and makes sense more than some other arguments like 'Android sucks apple is better' I personally like android better, but I can see why other people might like apple due to your thread.

    However, the only apple has hands off feature is incorrect. Many apps allow for you to do the same thing as apples 'hands off' feature.
  11. Android is better than IOS, but in kaw(wars only) IOS is better. Lol! It takes too much time in war to hit someone on android . If devs do something to fix that then android is best.
  12. bunch of ass hats on this thread! It vwas a fun family war  iphone users vs droid ( losers) haha
  13. Andriods way better. Support
  14. no way! how does an apple beat up an android?

    Data was an android and he he kicked Warf's ass, and he was a klingon.

    damn, apple's must be badass.
  15. Well, just got an iphone6 and love it, so, Apple.

    If you asked me a month ago, I would say Windows.

    Android operating system sucks. Hands down. It is impossible to get around, and it is a slow piece of crap.

    At least iPhones are simple, as well as Mac, and they never crash.
  16. Android sucks. I have one and anyday would take Apple over it.
  17. Well My Beloved Bugs, U Androids Lost 
    Apple all the way! We had some major vitamin c boost 
    Nice war, love my Fam 
  18. Nice turtle*

    I never got to war :|
  19. Of course Apple side one war is near impossible on deoid