Android or Apple? Android DUH!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by fluffypanda, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. Android is super cool because the scout action shows you pretty colors and formations
  2. Appletinis all around
  3. Also, Apple devices are more compatible with other Apple devices and the same with android (duh), since more people have Apple devices it makes Apple better (cuz u want your device to be compatible with most other people)
  4. Who says more people have apple devices?
  5. Isn't it obvious......... Go into a public place and look around you
  6. I wanted to participate 
  7. If you read the OP and looked at which section the thread is posted in (War section if you were clueless), you'd come to the conclusion it's a war thread. Not a technical debate/discussion thread. If I wanted to do that, I'd given you hundreds of reasons why Droid is better. Please stay on topic
  8. Lol I eat apples for breakfast and I sleep with androids at night. ANDROID FTW
  9. Don't be a hater guys not everyone can afford a Droid.
  10. All wish they was a cool apple like me ^_^
  11. . It's not too late so pack up an join the winning side
  12. Apple all the way lets do this 
  13. Apple for the win we'll be busy kicking yo butts while you guys playing with Lego 
  14. Why does the apple have a bite in it? Droid.
  15. Legos will give us something to do while all the apples are Pnz
  16. Droid fairys ! Haha eb build device users !
  17. Punchy sign up or does your apple have a worm in it lol.
  18. Anyone want some freshly baked apple pie?
  19. SUPPORT TO ANDROIDimpossible to war on an iPhone
  20. I use both devices but ee wars apple regular playing droid